Chapter 11: Getting Detention

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"The what?" my brother and his friend both ask Hermione. I turn to look at my friend and we both roll our eyes at their blatantly obvious lack of reading. We focus back on the more illiterate bunch of this mismatched group.

"Do you guys seriously not read?" I write down on my notepad before holding it up to the two boys. My big brother smiles at me while looking embarrassed. The Weasel just shrugs his shoulders and turns his attention on Hermione. Sighing, I turn to also look at the bushy brunette who is looking at the book and let her explain what the Sorcerer's Stone actually is.

" 'The Sorcerer's Stone is a legendary substance that transforms any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which makes the drinker immortal,'" Hermione says but before she can continue reading the text the Weasel interrupts her.

"Immortal?!" he exclaims and we all look up at him. Quickly, I write the definition out onto a piece of paper before handing it to him. He reads it before giving me a dirty look, "I know what immortal means!" My brother silences him and I giggle slightly before looking back at Hermione. She gives me a high five underneath the table before she continues to read the book.

" 'There is only one stone currently in existence, and that belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel who just celebrated his 665th birthday.' That's what Fluffy is guarding and that's what is underneath the trap door. The Sorcerer's Stone!"

We all look at each other with worry clearly evident on all of our faces. What are we going to do because we now know what is underneath the trap door but we don't know why it is there? I suppose that whoever is trying to get to the stone wants the Elixir of Life that it can produce because I seriously doubt that whoever is trying to get to it would do all of this just for the ability to turn every metal into gold. I mean that is a great ability to own but still, I would think that going through a three-headed dog and a giant school would just be too much.

I turn my attention back to the soul-crushing homework that still needs to get done. Sighing, I force myself to open the textbook and look back at the transfiguration homework. Please, let there be some excitement around the corner because this is the most boring homework in the entire world.

My big brother, Weasel, Hermione, and I are quickly walking across the dark field towards the half-giant's hut, also known as Hagrid. We had to wait until it was completely dark out and everyone was asleep before we could head over to Hagrid. After learning about the Sorcerer's Stone we decided that we needed to talk to the one person that will give us the answers that we need.

We knock on his door with some urgency because we are actually not supposed to be out after dark. Again, I am pulled into going against the rules because I love my big brother and my best friend, the Weasel I could care less about. Unlike the other time, this time it was harder to sneak out of the Slytherin commons because there are more people at school now. Maybe, I should ask Fred and George how they sneak around the castle because the one thing that I learned about those two over the past season is that they can get through the school without being seen.

Hagrid opens the wooden door and quickly realizes who is at his door in the middle of the night.

"Hagrid-!" my big brother starts to say but is cut off by the giant.

"I don't wish to be rude but I am in no state to entertain today," he tells us with a somewhat smile underneath his fuzzy black beard. Hagrid starts to close the door and we start to panic so we said the one thing that comes into all of our minds.

"We know about the Sorcerer's Stone!" we, minus myself, call out to him as he shuts his door. A second later he slowly opens the door back up while looking at us with a disbelieving look on his face. He says 'oh!' and turns around before walking further into his hut. We all look at each other before stepping inside the small house and I close the door behind us.

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