~twenty two~

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"Karev, go stand in the hall" Bailey orders. I smirk as he exits.

"Mr and Mrs Lamott,I'm sure you are really nice people, and what you do in the privacy of your own-- look, we can't have this in here. This is a hospital." Bailey is shocked.

"It's for my pain. My doc says it releases endorphins in the brain, and it helps keep my pain at a manageable level." Mr.Lamott explains.

"Really?" George is intrigued, his eyes glued to the tv screen. Now my mouth drops, and I slap his arm.

"George-- hall" Bailey orders.

"Yeah" George hesitates, glancing to me before leaving the room.

"What is this anyways?" Izzie chuckles.

"Nasty, Naughty Nurses... Umm," Mrs.Lamott glances up to the tv, "number 4"

We all tilt our heads up to the tv, watching the women.

"That does not look comfortable" Cristina grimaces.

"Trust me, it's not" Meredith nods. All of our eyes widen at her, and Bailey orders us all to the hallway.

I'd be surprised if she let any of us on this case.


"O'Malley, Karev, you're in the pit today. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting for you up on two. Yang, keep an eyes on the Lamotts, I don't want any problems, go" Bailey orders them all away. They all scatter, leaving me and Meredith left.

"Grey, your mother is being discharged this evening. You've made arrangements or you need more time?" Bailey asks her

"The nursing home is coming at 8" Meredith nods.

"All right, then you're with Shepherd-- Derek Shepherd today" Bailey tells her, and I widen my eyes.

Bailey starts to walk away, so I chase after her.

"Dr.Bailey! You didn't give me anything to do" I stop her, and she turns around with furrowed brows.

"Oh, you can just go work in the pit today." Bailey dismisses me.

I shrug, wondering why I'm not on anyone's service today. But I still pick myself up, and hustle to the pit.


"What do you mean there's no cases?" I shout at the nurse in frustration.

"I mean they're all taken, there's no available cases for you today. I'm sorry, Dr.Foster" The lady nurse shrugs.

I huff and look around. All the patients are being tended to by other interns or residents. There's not even a sick little kid in one the the beds.

I hop up on the nurses counter and sit crisscross applesauce, staring at the emergency room doors. I pray someone, anyone, will be wheeled in on a gurney so I can save their life.

But nothing. Nothing comes through the doors.

"There's no patients for me?" I spin around and ask one more time.

George O'MalleyWhere stories live. Discover now