He put his car in park and shrugged his shoulders, "not much. You got any plans right now?

You shake your head.

"Perfect. Get in" he tells you.

You smile a little, "why would i do that?" You ask, taking a sip of your coffee.

"Just get in the car, Y/n. I need to talk to you about Gray."

His words surely sparked your interest. The mentioning of Grayson made your ears perk up, but you didn't know if it was a good or bad reason... yet.

You oblige and get into the passenger side, buckling yourself in. You let your coffee drop softly into the cup holder designated in between your seats. "What about him?"

Ethan puts his car in 'drive' and leaves the lot, his eyebrows raising slightly as he thinks of what words to say.

Seconds pass by until he speaks, "you know he's about to be a father, right?"

You look at the road through the window, shock written on your face. "Um... no. I didn't know that." You answer him, letting your mind think. "Wait, isn't that like... impos-"

"He got Bettleman's ex-assistant pregnant."

Your eyebrows furrow, the pieces coming together. "Katrina."

Ethan takes his eyes off the road and looks at you, his jaw slacked, "you know her?"

You shake your head, just enough so he can see.

"No, but i know her and Grayson had a thing. Didn't know it was so... recent."

That's who Folley was talking about. That's who Grayson defended. He did it because she's having his child. "When he gets out, he'll be with her. I hope you know that." Ethan continues to pour salt on your wound, throwing that at you.

"Yeah, no. That's- that's okay with me." Lie.

"Are you sure?" Ethan asks, stopping at the red light. He glances at you, his hazel eyes so similar to those of his twin.

You fake a smile and nod, "yeah. I'm fine. Can you take me back to my car, though? I need to go home." Ethan lets out a soft 'sure' and turns the car around, taking you back to the Starbucks parking lot.

Once you're out of his car, just as he's about to leave, he shouts out the window, "you could do much better than a psychopath anyway, Y/n."

You feel your cheeks heat up as an older woman looks at the two of you. He drives off and you retreat to your car, thinking back on what he said. Why did he say it?

Why does everyone say that?

Grayson's POV

My room felt empty. I feel it needs her presence to be comfortable to me. Everything about her is comfortable to me.

The soft air from outside makes a noise against my window as a rest my arms on the small sill. It looked so beautiful out. I can't enjoy it though. I laugh slightly, realizing that i was free in a little more than a week.

It was crazy.

Coming in here, i was told i'd never see the light of day ever again. Now i'm just days from my release. Fucking insane.

Might as well enjoy this shit while it lasts. Because after i get out of here, i'm responsible for a child.

Why did i have to be so cocky towards Katrina?

"Because i told you to be" he laughs maniacally. I could basically picture and evil version of me, rubbing his hands together in a menacing way.

I sigh, walking to my door. I was going to swing it open until it did it on its own, revealing a flustered Y/n. God, she takes my breath away.

"Hey, Y/n. I was just about t-"

"A fucking kid, Grayson?" She asks, not caring that the door is wide open.  The only people who knew were Me, Katrina, Carl, and Folley. That bastard.

"W-what? How did you-"

She scoffs, a small sinister smirk playing on her lips, "Ethan told me." That bastard. "You couldn't tell me yourself that you're gonna be a father of Dir-"

Before she can finish, i clamp my hand over her mouth. She needed to be quiet. I closed the door and pinned her against the wall, our faces dangerously close.

I speak calmly, "if i let go, you cannot be loud. Okay, baby?"

She nods, her eyes full of fear.

What am i doing?

Word Count: 1347

Psychosis || Grayson Dolan - Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora