Chapter 1

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The warm smell of expensive perfume and sweat hit my nose as I took my first steps inside the scool. Student were laughing, gossiping, telling stories about what they did or where they were  at summer. I never did that. The gossiping I mean. Not that I'm some good girl who doesn't tell secrets, it's that I never had someone to tell them to. Jup, you guest it, I'm not really popular in school. Oh what am I kidding, even the teachers are more likeable then me. I never knew why. I don't remember doing something wrong, but for some reason everyone started hate and make fun of me the first day I came in this school. 

Just like now, the stares and whispers from every side followed me while I walked towards my locker. As soon as I opened it, the lockers door was slammed shut. I jumped from the unpleasant sound. I heard it every day, but still disliked it, because the sound it self always meant that there was the most unwanted person standing beside.

Jace Mayer.

While everyone knew that name as a person of power, a person that was known by most of the students, I was the only one who feared that name. That name was carved into my bed frame. I think I once had his photo hanging on my door and sometimes threw darts at it. That's how much I hated him.

And that's why I new he was standing beside me right now. Not even looking at his face I surely knew that he had this legendary smirk on his lips. Most girls thought it was sexy, I just found it disgusting.

So I just stood there, waiting for his hurting words. And they came.

"Hey, shorty!" he acted surprised. "How was your summer? Oh wait, don't tell me. I bet you were surfing the internet for tips how to grow few inches!" he laughed, while his friends, or as I call them 'minions', chuckled at that lame joke.

Not saying anything was my only defence. If I talked back, this situation could get worse.

"What is it? Cat got your tongue?" he laughed again. "But that would mean someone bought it for you. And we all know it's not your parents!"

More laughs sounded in the hall. These words hit me. He knew my parents were dead, but today was the first day he made fun of that.

 Tears started to fill my eyes as I tried to push past him.

"Whow whow whow! Where are you going? I'm just getting started!"

My anger grew with every word coming from his disgusting mouth. All these years I suffered his bullying, not doing anything, hiding all the pain it caused. But enough is enough.

"You know what Jace?" I said looking straight into his blue eyes. "I'm sorry for you. I am deaply sorry, because all these comments coming from you and all these ugly words is just your way of getting attention. Maybe its because you don't get it at home? Or maybe it's because your parents are to busy fixing all your expensive cars you crashed while driving drunk! Most of the students respect you. It's not because they think that you are some guy they look up to, it's because they fear you. One bad look and they can get a black eye! And you don't know that because every one of them is scared to tell you that in fucking face!"     

I was so mad, that I was screaming the last words. I turned around and stomped out of the school leaving not only Jace, but everyone in the hall shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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