Stone Heart Part 1

Start from the beginning

"All right who's brave enough to challenge our champion?" Plagg looked around, but no one said anything. It looked like no body had the guts to challenge me. 

"I am!" 

 "What's your name?" Plagg asked her over the mic. 

 "My name is Ladybug!" My eyes widened she was so beautiful. 

"Alright everybody it's Ladybug vs. Chat Noir!"

The music blasted, and the two began to dance. Ladybug went first. Her body flowed with the music, she was lighter than air. When she finished it was Chat Noir's turn to dance. When he danced he lit up the stage, there was a special light that illuminated from him. He finished with a mid air flip that stole the show. All looked hopeless, until Ladybug remembered how it felt to dance. How it felt to free and have fun. Ladybug took the stage, but this time something incredible happened. She was doing a windmill, when her shoes lit up, they were as bright as the morning sun. She kept going faster and faster, and when she slowed down she struck a pose. One hand in the air, another hand on her head, and her feet illuminating the darkness with its vibrant glow. 

 "Wow, what a show! Am I right?" The crowd cheered in response to his question. 

"Sadly, there can only be one winner. So let's hear it for Chat Noir." The crowd cheered for Chat Noir, I could tell he was happy, but at the same time I knew that he was upset. 

"Alright, everyone! Let's hear it for Ladybug." The crowd cheered even louder for me. 

"There you have it folks! The winner and new champion, Ladybug!"

"Congrats, bugaboo, you've earned it." I tried to hide my face of defeat by congratulating her, and showing her that she did a good job. It worked a little bit. I was about to leave, when I heard someone call my name. 

"Chat! Wait!" 

I turned around to see Ladybug running towards me. "Yeah?"

 She was out of breath, but she still answered me. "I have something to ask you." 

"What is it?" 

"Will you be my partner?" 

My eyes widened at her request. "Sorry, you want me to be your partner?" 

"T-that's right." 

"But why? I lost. Shouldn't you pick someone who's better?" 

"But you are better! You're the best Chat, and I want you by my side." 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. At first I thought it was all a dream, but I realized it couldn't be. Her hand was stretched out in a fist. "Pound it?" 

I smiled, and stretched out my hand a fist. "Pound it."

I started to feel chilly, my whole body was shaking. "Are you okay?" Asked Chat Noir.

 "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." He looked at me for a a minute, before taking off his jacket. 

"Here, you need this more than I do." He said as he wrapped his jacket around me. 

"W-wait, I don't need this. I said I was fine." 

"No, you're not your shivering. A lady shouldn't be freezing. She should be warm and gentle. Not cold and hard." My face blushed a little, I tried to hide it from him.

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