Chapter 2

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Your/ My OC POV

"Sup." I say watching the T.V. "I'm Vivian." "I'm Masky and this is Hoodie, Vivian and Hoodie are not as talkative excuse them." Said Masky shaking Toby's hand. "I-I'm T-Toby but you p-probably know t-that already, I have a disorder that c-causes me to twitch a lot, and another that c-causes me to not feel pain." Twitched Toby,   

"At least I have one proxy that is social." muttered Slender. "Yeah, yeah." I say standing up. "I'll show you your room." I say grabbing his hand, he had the slightest amount of pink on his cheek though I paid no mind to it.

(This is how the rooms are like right now. )

                                Masky/Hoodie                        Vivian                        Toby

"If you need anything just knock." I said. "W-why do you h-have a m-mouth guard?" He asked. "Why do you have one?" I replied back. "Scar." He replied. "Personal reason." I say going to my room. "Hey you were supposed to tell me what's underneath it!" He said pounding on the door. I just ignored him.

Time Skip

I opened my door since it was dinner time. I went downstairs to see Toby, Masky, and Hoodie with a stack of waffles about 3 feet tall. And a giant cheesecake. "What's with the abundance of food?" I asked.

"It's like a celebratory dinner, though we usually don't eat waffles for breakfast but it is Toby's favorite so Slender Man is making an exception." Said Masky pouring some syrup on his waffles. "Okay...." I say going to my own little 'compartment' in the fridge.

"Woah I never realized that their was that part in the fridge." Said Masky looking over. "It's for my own 'meals' I say grabbing a tea bag and some organs. "Is that a h-heart?" Asked Masky.

"It may or may not be." I said boiling some water, while nibbling on the heart. "Now t-that I t-think of I-it you n-never ate w-with us." Said Hoodie quietly.

"I have a weird appetite, 'normal' food tastes like nothing though humans and tea tastes like heaven." I said pouring the boiling water. "SO NO CHEESECAKE!?" "SO NO WAFFLES?!" Said the trio all together.

"Never tried it." I said sipping the tea. "WHAT!? GET OVER HERE AND TAKE A BITE OF THIS RIGHT NOW!" They said in unison. I just grumbled as I went over. They held a fork over to my mouth and started feeding me.

"Tastes like nothing." I say. "It's all bland." I said going back to my tea and heart. "HOW DO YOU LIVE LIFE?!" "Technically I'm undead." I replied. I swear if I could see their faces they would have a shocked face.

"Whatever." I said going to my room.

Toby's POV

"Y-you know h-have you guys ever w-wondered what V-Vivian looks like underneath the hair and mouth g-guard?" I asked. "We have but it's kinda hard to get near her without her suspicion level going over board.

"H-how about w-we check it out tonight. You k-know check it out I-in her sleep, n-not in the w-weird way though." I replied. "Okay..." Masky replied. (Don't ask me why Masky became such an idiot.) 

Time Skip    

It was like 1 hour past midnight and we snucked into Vivian's room. "Let me pick the lock." Said Masky getting a bobby pin from his hair. "Why do you have a bobby pin in your hair?" "I have my reasons.

I watched as he picked the lock and we slowly came into the room.

Vivian's POV

I heard some shuffling from my door. The other Proxies. I pretended to be asleep as they slowly got in my room. "Man it smells like organs in here." "Well t-that is the only t-thing that she e-eats." "You know you guys never do listen to my warnings do you?" I said demonically.

They backed away really quickly and had shocked look on their faces. "Y-you were awake?!" "You never learned? Inhuman senses, duh." "Shit." Whispered Hoodie. "If you want to not lose a couple limbs leave." I said.

"W-well I know I'm a-already going to get d-destroyed so." Toby said before jumping at me. Startled he tackled me and ripped off my mouth guard. "YOu ShOuldn't HAve DOne tHat." (LOL BEN) I growled my jaws/fangs growing.    

"HOLY S-SHIT R-RUN!!!" Screamed Toby trying to get out of my room

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"HOLY S-SHIT R-RUN!!!" Screamed Toby trying to get out of my room. "Not so fast." I said closing my door and locking it. "You wanted to see what was under my eye didn't you?~" I purred. "Now you get to see my demon." I said voice distorting.

"Were sorry!" Said Masky, Hoodie staying quiet. while Toby literally shaking with fear. I closed my 'good eye' and pushed my hair out of the way, and taking off my eyepatch. 

My eye started turning pitch black and tentacles coming out of it (Basically Slenderman) grabbing the proxies

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My eye started turning pitch black and tentacles coming out of it (Basically Slenderman) grabbing the proxies. However before I could do anything Slender came in and stopped me.

"My child stop. I'll erase their memories of this, if you want. " "FiNe. " My demonic voice said. I let them down since they became unconscious from probably fear.

Time Skip

"Ugh, what happened?" Groaned Masky. "You passed out due to god knows why." I mumbled. "Okay....." Said Hoodie. "H-hey V-Vivian what does your o-other e-eye look like?" Asked Toby. "Trust me you don't want to know." I replied.

"Why?" "Trust me you can even ask Slendy." "Will you ever show what's underneath there?" Asked Masky. "Not likely." I grunted. "But w-why!?" "Same reason you guys hide your faces." I replied.

"My proxies we have a new 'game' tonight. I will give you all some files for 10 people. Whoever murders them first wins." Said Slendy interrupting the conversation. "Okay, I need more food anyways." I said getting up.


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