Forgive and Forget

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Sasha run a hand through her hair as she entered the cafe that morning. She had been up to the majority of the night with Kendall, trying to figure out a way to help the others against their latest advisory, Snide. She was sure that Kendall had come up with a solution, but they were too sleep deprived to be 100% sure.

"Oh, sweet mother of - give me that coffee," Sasha said, taking the cup that Adelaide had just placed on the countertop. She inhaled the aroma and then necked the contents in one.

"Seriously?!" Adelaide yelped. "Hot contents!"

"I'm desperate," Sasha said.

"I noticed. Late night with Ivan?" Adelaide teased.

Sasha shot her a look and then shook her head. "Late night with Kendall, actually," she said.

"Ooh. Swinging for the other team, huh?"

"You're a pain," Sasha groaned.

Adelaide giggled. "I know. So, what do two women get up to when they are shut away all night?" she asked.

"Hopefully something new to combat Snide," Sasha answered. "What's with these names, by the way? First Sledge and now Snide?"

Adelaide shrugged. "Maybe they were the last letters in the Scrabble bag?" she asked. "Ooh! Speaking of which, Chase wants a game night tonight! Tell Kendall to come too. We're going to teach Ivan and Koda how to play."

"That sounds interesting," Sasha said.

"Yep. Plus, I get to play games."

Sasha chuckled. "Two more coffees, to go," she said.

"You know where the kitchen is," said Adelaide.

"You're being paid to serve."

"Not my sister," Adelaide said. "Especially when she practically works here herself."

Sasha rolled her eyes and pushed away from the counter. "You're getting lazy," she said, walking towards the door. She paused as she saw Riley sitting at a table with three other blokes, his energem was in one hand, and his other was clasped around one of the guys. They were arm-wrestling, but Riley was cheating.

"Come on, Burt," another guy egged.


Riley jumped and looked around.

The kid, Burt, slammed Riley's hand down on the table and laughed. "You're toast, Brainiac," he jeered.

"This isn't a schoolyard," Sasha said, walking over to the table. "You," she pointed at Riley, "get back to work, and you," she rounded on the three left, "if you've finished, pay and get out. We're not housing you to distract our employees."

Burt looked Sasha up and down. "You aren't in uniform, I'm willing to bet you don't work here," he said.

"You're right, I'm not a paid employee, but I am invested in this museum," Sasha responded. "Now either pay and get out, or I'll call security." She walked away into the kitchen before either of them could respond.


"We are very fortunate that Koda, Philip, and Tyler saved us from those ice blocks," said Shelby, leading the others into the base, later that afternoon. They found Kendall and Sasha near the transmitter machine.

"But we don't know what else this scoundrel Snide is capable of," said Ivan.

Adelaide bounced over to Sasha and Kendall. "So," she said, grinning, "did your late night escapade last night pay off? Did you actually made something that we could use to combat Snide?"

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