Chapter 16 Endings

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Jack removed himself from my body. He stared down at my bloody corpse, bleeding endless red and sorrow. He picked up my body, filled with red holes and slits, my throat completely and gruesomely mutilated, you could see through one end and out the other. I opened my eyes. Standing in front of me was him, the man who destroyed my life, he took it from me. I stared in disbelief as he held my small, fragile body, covered in deep wounds. Stab wounds... My spirit watched in horror as he held my body, almost as if he were nurturing it like a mother to her child. I watched as he took my body to the edge of the river, and gently dropped it in the water, which then started to turn red around me. A watery tomb. I felt as light as air, the pain from before gone. My body sat still under the bridge, not moving an inch.

Jack wiped his bloody hands clean on his clothes, and then looked at the pile of the clothes of mine he had ripped from my body. All that was intact and not coated with blood was my scarf. He picked it up, and studied it for a moment. He could see it's handcrafted love within. Wrapping my scarf around him, he inhaled the sweet scent of me. The scent he had inhaled for months, one he had grown to adore and become addicted to. I stood there, silent, watching him go. I cried quietly, hanging my spirits head down. As I welcomed the realization of death, I heard someone, walking towards me. I remembered the last time I heard such ominous footsteps, only this time, these were soft, gentle, kind, and welcoming.

I turned my head, to see my mother standing there, smiling happily at me with tears in her eyes. "Caroline..." she said happily. For a moment I was in disbelief, I hadn't seen her in so many years. "It's impossible, she's dead..." I thought, but then I remembered that I too was cut from life. I began to sob and ran into my mother's loving embrace. She held me tight and stroked my hair. "Mom..." I whispered, inhaling the scent of roses and peonies that I always remembered as hers. My mother then took me to heaven, far up and safely away from the horrors this world brought. My father and Dustin would never know where I had gone that night, but knew deep down I really was gone, never to return to their loving arms. I could only watch in sadness as they grieved for me for years, never forgetting the joy I had brought them.

My heaven was filled with flowers, an endless field of beauty that up here, lasted forever, never to wilt or fade away. For the longest time, I had been Jack Privet's toy. A puppet while he, the puppet master, gleefully pulled the strings. I was his doll, a mere toy he would play with, undressed as much as he pleased, and abused. Although I was dead, I was finally free of the strings, I had escaped the dollhouse and his evil clutches. Death is something many fear, because it is the end of existence. It is described as oblivion, an end to everything, where everything just, stops. For me, death was the horrors in the form of Jack Privet, a now killer with endless lust.

Everything I had gone through was truly heartbreaking and terrifying, but as my rather depressing story comes to an end, I knew that at least knowing that the hardships were over, I could finally be something I hadn't been in a very long time.


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