11 ; some help from a friend

Start from the beginning

The Godfrey house was daunting in it's size. Like a castle perched on the mountain side.

In fact, that was exactly what it was.

No buses stopped at the house, nor did they stop three blocks away. Leaving Eden with the task of walking six blocks to the driveway of the house, before having to tackle the walk up driveway as well.

She did all of this while lugging her backpack behind her by a single strap, given that her spine was too bruised from the asshole kid's knees, to carry it on her back.

Slamming her backpack down at her feet on the doorstep of the Godfrey home, Eden slammed her fist into the door, knocking loudly. Well, pounding.

At once, the door flung open, revealing a casual looking Roman in a wife-beater and dress pants. He rose an eyebrow upon Eden's sweating state, not sure why she was on his doorstep exactly.

"Let me in Posh Spice," Eden snapped, shoving her way into the house. She then called over her shoulder, "And grab my bag, would you?"

With the door closing behind her, Eden watched as Roman slung her backpack onto one shoulder, while he was holding a tumbler of scotch in his hand. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you were okay," Eden stated, straightening her back. She fiddled with the lace on the pockets of her jeans awkwardly.

Upon another one of Roman's raised eyebrows, Eden sighed and amended. "I care about you, okay? You don't need to act all surprised."

Something softened in Roman's eyes. "Do you need a glass of water?"

"Do you have a pitcher instead?" Eden joked, crossing her ankles as she laughed softly at her own joke.

Roman, with Eden's backpack still on his back, lead her towards a pretty white kitchen. He opened the old-style fridge, grabbing a pitcher of lemon water before motioning for Eden to grab a glass.

Doing as told, Eden stretched upwards to reach the cupboard behind her and grabbed a clear crystal glass while Roman's gaze burned holes into her back. She turned back around, grabbing the pitcher on the counter and poured herself a glass.

She and Roman sat in silence for a few moments, before Eden noticed something white on one of Roman's nostrils. Reaching outwards, Eden flicked the cocaine away with her finger, giving Roman a brief disappointed look.

"I needed to relax," Roman said to her gaze, shrugging his shoulders.

"I think those kind of narcotics tend to do the opposite of what you were looking for," Eden replied just as quickly, pouring herself another glass of water. She downed that serving in a few gulps, before placing it back onto the counter. "So, how are you?"

"I'm not used to this," Roman spoke, ignoring her question. "You and I? We don't talk much. At least we don't if Peter's not around to fill in the blanks."

Frowning, Eden said, "I know. That's why I came here. I wanted you to know that you're just as much my friend as Peter is."

A scoff left Roman's mouth, his green eyes twinkling with laughter. "Good one."

"I don't just hang out with anyone," Eden snapped, leaning away from the counter. "I wouldn't accept invitations to hang out with you if I didn't like you, Roman. I don't just go body hunting with anyone, you know."

"Well, there's no body to hunt here," Roman pointed out, seeming to be annoyed.

"If you keep using illegal substances to fill your time, there eventually will be." Eden said, cocking an eyebrow as she and Roman stared at each other over the counter.

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