Chapter 2

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(At school, Kenny's pov)

(I waved bye to John as he left for his class, I then made my way to my first hour class geography I entered the class room and sat in my seat I looked up to see my teacher enter the classroom after he finished talking to his boyfriend Mr.Wilson, when class started I barely played attention to what my teacher Mr.Byrnes was saying)

(Later on at lunch)

(I sat down at a table in the corner and got on my phone until my phone was snatched I looked up to see John I smiled) "give me my phone back John" (I said in a whiny voice) "hmm how about no" (he said and smiled) "but Johhnn!" (he laughed) "fine" (he said and handed me my phone back) "thank you!" (I said and smiled I swear I think I saw John blush a little) "whatever" (he replied)

Hello hope enjoyed da gay stuff and Rylee Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Wilson will be a thing!!!

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