Explosions Galore!

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"You did the intro wrong. It's Sandrew." -Blade

*Sigh* "Already, like this? This is how we're going to do it?" -Andrew

"I just wanted to make sure we recognized who you are!" -Blade

"I think everyone knows who I am! I am a regular staple member at this point." -Andrew

"Are you though?" -Jerome

"Well, yes but yes."-Andrew

"I dunno, cause you keep changing your name! You went from Andrew to Sigils to Despasigils to Sandrew!" -Jerome

"Andrew, why you keep getting lit on fire? Calm yourself!" -Jerome

"Dude, it's because I'm so lit!" -Andrew

"Is this another one of those prank videos?" -Steve

"You picked the lucky blocks out yourselves!" -Jerome

*Jerome breaks a block*


"I am so sorry guys." -Jerome

"Are you serious??" -Andrew

"My island's gone, guys. I gotta find a new home." -Jerome

"It's just all gone, the whole island!" -Jerome

"Did you try getting good?" -Blade

"Well, I have some pretty decent armor, and a scythe.... and I lost another island. Hey guys.. I'm going to keep moving closer to you, Andrew." -Jerome

"Please don't." -Andrew

"I have no choice.. Hi Andrew! I'm your neighbor now!" -Jerome

he was there for less than a minute lol

"Jerome look at my island Jerome look at my island Jerome look at my island!" -Andrew

"I can't, I'm too busy dying!" -Jerome

*On screen: Boss battle: Witherstorm*

"Oh no, I think my island's disappearing."

"Also, how long does- oh what is that!" -Blade

"That is a kill all." -Jerome

he's lost 3 islands one round xD

"Oh god, I just got a new island, why they gotta put tnt on it?" -Jerome

"Jerome, that even hurt me." -Blade

four islands jerome. four.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1, butter." -Jerome

"That's not how it goes, though." -Steve

"Pretty sure it is." -Jerome

"3, 2, 1, butter?" -Steve

"Yeah." -Jerome

"I thought it was 3, 2, 1, pineapple." -Steve

"No, that's crazy talk." -Andrew

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