Amora the Enchantress, Part 2

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     "Excellent! Let's begin." Amora simply snarled, reluctant to assist Loki. "On one condition. You'll free me after this is over." Loki paused. She couldn't believe he was actually this... GOOD. He was Thor's most sinister nemesis and her lover/partner in crime, once upon a time.

     "Loki, darling, Thor still lives. How did you fail to kill him?" Loki smiled, not nervously but charmingly. "He bested me with that damned hammer of his." She intensely glared. "Than I will have to help you kill him, lover."

     "Actually, I need help killing some frost giants." Loki's voice snapped her from her flashback. She sighed. "Why can you not handle the task yourself?" "The Bifrost is still damaged from your fight with Thor a while ago, and I am simply too bored to handle them myself. While you WILL be freed, I shall always be keeping an eye on you, should you make any attempts to escape from your task. I must be off now, but you can have fun destroying them." Loki's stare suddenly intensified. "You had fun destroying ME, after all." "Loki, WAIT!" He looked back at Amora, her eyes flooded with a mix of regret and anger. "I mean... I only wished..." "You only wished to kill Thor. I doubt you ever loved me." "Well... I..." Amora searched herself for a response. "Perhaps there WAS something there. We stayed together, did we not?" She leaned in closer, almost touching the glass of the cell. "Perhaps there is still something there..." Loki only seemed more angry, and he stormed out of the dungeon. "That was not necessary, Loki," she whispered under her breath. She started to move back to the cell's desk, when suddenly she could feel her legs being swept out from under her. "Eek--!" Two hands pinned her against the wall by her neck, and she could see who the hands belonged to.

     A man dressed in a completely black suit with only two white eyeholes looked up at her. "Amora," he simply stated, seeming smug. "You're coming with me, Enchantress." With a whisper of his words, she felt herself being teleported.

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