Chapter 11: New Discovery

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I am a little hesitant to watch it but my curiosity won out so I click open the video. To my surprise it is about Marcus's trial. He is standing in front of the judge with his lawyer beside him. I don't why he needs a lawyer when obviously he is guilty with so many witnesses furthermore me and Beth already gave our testimony. I guess the lawyer is to lessen his punishment.

I unintentionally clench my hands thinking he deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life and not to escape with only a few years behind bars. Marcus's lawyer are talking a lot trying to defend his client but even I who is watching from a video can tell that it is hopeless and that the lawyer is about to run out of things to say in order to defend his client.

I can't believe some lawyers will defend the criminals just so they can get a lot of money. I guess people will do anything for money these days. Anyway after the lawyer finish talking the judge is looking over some papers on his desk. I am a ball of nerves hoping that he gets put behind bars for the rest of his life. The judge lifts his hammer and I held my breath until the judge pronouns Marcus Evans guilty and is to put behind bars for 60 years then slam the hammer did I breath out in relief.

I am not satisfied with his punishment but it is good enough at least I'm pretty sure me and Beth will never meet him again in this life. With that worry out of the way I feel lighter and happier than ever. I sent a quick message to Beth on my phone telling her to meet me at Rakuzan the one near my office on Friday to celebrate about never having to see Marcus again and a few seconds later I got a reply saying she will meet me there on Friday at 5:30pm. I smile then send her a smiley face afterwards I shut down the phone and look at the laptop and was just about to click the close button for the video when I got the call from Mr. Giovanni to come to his office. I made sure I have everything I needed and that I look presentable then I took a deep breath then let it out and started walking in the direction of his office.

His office is not that far from my desk so it less than 30 seconds to get there. Even though I have been working for him for a while I'm still nervous to see him and my heart still beats like crazy but steel my nerves and put on a poker face while knocking on the door two times and waited until I hear his deep baritone voice telling me to come in.

I turn the door knob to the right the push the door open. I am hit by the coldness of the room. It is almost two times colder than out side and  I shiver a little because I am only wearing a knee length pencil skirt and thin but not thin enough to be see through, long sleeve blouse. I look in front of me and there he is sitting behind his huge desk with the normal glare. His blazer is sling behind his chair and his tie is loosening at the top with his hair a bit messy giving him that sexy messy look.

"Miss Jones I trust you have prepared what I ask you for?" his voice brought me out of my thoughts and to my horror I feel my cheeks warm up with embarrassment at my thoughts. I cleared my throat then hand him the files that contain his schedule and other important document he needs to look over.

He took the files and I made sure our fingers won't touch. Once he has the files he checks the documents inside but his expression never changes. It is always the signature glare that he shows to his workers. After a few minutes of flipping the pages he put the documents on his desk then took his pen from the pen holder and sign the documents that needed approval from him then once he is done he hands me back the files.

I took it and ask "will that be all sir?" "No wait a moment. I have something to tell you about" he said while making a wait gesture with his hands. I look at him warily wondering what he could possibly want to talk to me about. "What is it that you want to talk to me about sir?" I ask thinking if he is about to fire me but he interrupted my thoughts.

"It's about your slacking off and you need to catch up with work that you missed when you were on leave of absence" he said while his head is on his hands and his arms on the table. I look at him offended that he also blaming me for the incident this morning when clearly it was not my fault. "With all due respect sir it was Miss Stone who started it I was just walking to my desk when she block my way" I told him as polite as I could manage because I am really angry he is blaming me for something I did not do.

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