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HELIA PACED AROUND THE RIDICULOUSLY SMALL CARRIAGE. She had always hated flying, and it didn't help that they were currently twenty thousand feet above the English Channel.

"Will you stop it?" Camille peered over her copy of Witch Weekly, her brows furrowed irritably. "You know that makes me nervous."

"Hogwarts makes me nervous." Fleur was sitting on the other end of the couch and she was tapping her wand on the cushion incessantly. "And I hate that we're bringing Gabrielle along. She's too young for this."

"I'm sure she'll be okay," said Helia. "Besides, according to the guidebook, Hogwarts is among the most well-guarded places out in London."

"Not that there's anything trying to kill us there, except for the Tournament."

Fleur and Helia turned to glare at the brunette witch, whose guise did not change.

"Hey, I'm just saying." Camille said satirically as she disappeared behind her magazine.

"I'm pretty sure we're reaching soon," Fleur mumbled worriedly. "Have to put our best foot forward now, don't we?" She said, doing a rather good impression of Madame Maxime.

"Better not let her hear you, stellar student," Helia said amusedly.

She didn't know what to expect at Hogwarts, and that made her uneasy. There were tales about Hogwarts - some unsettling. Helia didn't fancy coming face to face with a basilisk underneath the school anytime soon.


There was a rumble of unease as they waited outside a bank of massive oak doors. They had landed in Hogwarts less than a minute ago, and there had been not a person in sight.

Madame Maxime turned to her girls, inspecting them slowly.

"Remember, best behaviour."

With that, she placed a hand on the door, and it swung open, revealing the hollow space within.

The students were sat in different tables in the hall - it was probably the Great Hall. Helia found herself suddenly breathless.

The hall was magnificent, with an enchanted cloudly candle lit sky over their heads. Applause broke out hastily through the crowds as they strode through the middle aisle, and with a quick glance around Helia could see that Durmstrang had already arrived, clad in their storm grey robes, a contrast to the Beauxbaton's blue.

They were led to a lengthy table, and Helia slid onto the bench next to Camille, with Fleur at her side. At the top of the hall sat teachers, and in front of it a podium, intricately carved to depict a golden owl with its wings spread proudly.

"Welcome," a wizard started, stepping up onto the podium. He had on a billowing set of robes, his collar covered by a long, white beard. His half-moon spectacles glittered under the lighting as he looked at them kindly. Of course, it was Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts. Even in France, he was widely known, and Helia was sure she had seen him before, at the back of a Chocolate Frog Card.

"Now," he said, "you must all know that we are all gathered here tonight for the opening of the Triwizard Tournament. Eternal glory is promised to whoever is the victor. However," He paused, eyes turning serious. "this must not be taken lightly. There will be only three champions who will be chosen by the Goblet of Fire, one from each school. Be aware, that once chosen, you cannot withdraw, and it would be an exceptionally lonely journey till the end."

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