The Beginning

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Okay so this is the first real chapter!! Let's hope it goes well!


The day was June 21st, 2012. Jonathan had just finished a recital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jonathan was a young man at a height of about 5'6 with black hair and blue eyes. He had worked his ass off practicing the piano but in the end screwed up one of the biggest recitals in his life. This recital happened to fall on the same day as his birthday of all times as well. It was his 18th birthday; that special age of independence. As he drove home in shame, Jonathan saw a large crowd at the convention center and pondered what all the fuss was about. He pulled over and got out of his car. As he looked around he saw many people dressed up in costumes! It was a video game convention. It seemed to be a very large one at that.

"Hey!", said an unknown voice from behind him, " Where is your costume? Aren't you here for the video game convention?"

Jonathan turned around to see a young, tall man, with brown hair, and green eyes standing behind him. The man seemed to be dressed up as some sort of red plumber with a M on his hat. Jonathan paused for a moment before responding, "O-Oh no! I was just stoping by to see what all the commotion was about"

"Well now you know", the man smiled brightly at him and held his hand out saying, "My name is Anthony Kingstone, what's yours?"

"My name is Jonathan! Jonathan Abends.", Jonathan said as he shook the stranger's hand.

Anthony smiled at Jonathan for a moment then looked back at the crowd.

"Ah it looks like they're about to open the center! I have to go! It was nice meeting you", Anthony said as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and wrote something on it. He handed a paper to Jonathan and ran off.

Jonathan watched him run off into the crowd before looking at the paper.

Hey if you want to hang out sometime call me! 317-###-####

He smiled at the paper before putting it in his bag and getting back in his car. As Jonathan drove home he thought about the new friend he made and the convention to try to hide the pain of the recital.


Alright that is the end of chapter one! I hope everyone enjoyed! If you noticed any spelling mistakes or anything like that just let me know! Thank you everyone!

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