I sigh, giving a sad smile to Kate, who was looking at me from the front.

Then Michael Conor walked in. He walked like he owned the place. The smirk plastered on his face showed as he walked over to the desk sat right behind mine.

"Hey, babe." He smirked at me as he winked.

I gave him a disgusted look before turning the other way. I can't stand him. He just toys with girls and then throws them under the bus. He's so emotionless and cold. He thinks he owns everything in sight. Including me.

Kate looked at Michael and then back and me.

"Is he bothering you?" She silently mouths.

I simply nod and let out a sigh.

I heard the door close and immediately sit up in my seat, as the teacher walked over to his desk.

"Okay, I need everyone to be seated and open your text books to-" that's when I got slammed in the back of my chair really hard.

I wince before angrily turning around.

There he was.

Michael Conor.

How I despise him.

"Stop!" I whisper shout, angrily as he watches me in satisfaction.

"Make me." He replied, raising his eyebrow while his smirk stayed plastered on his face.

"Are you kidding? Fuck off." I mutter before turning back towards the teacher, listening closely to the lesson.


I walk out of the classroom, and immediately towards my locker with Kate following closely behind.

I open my locker putting my textbooks inside.

"What did Michael say you to when he came in?" Kate turned her gaze to me as I close my locker.

"Nothing.. don't worry about it." I sigh, walking down the hall towards the cafeteria with Kate.

I walk into the room full of loud conversations and laughter. I walk over to the lunch line and grab only a couple things, as I wasn't really hungry. I quickly paid for them and walked over to a lunch table with Kate.

"I'm so hungry." Kate groans, sitting down and quickly grabbing some food she had bought.

I chuckle as she immediately stuffs it in her mouth.

"How can you be so skinny when you eat like that?" I chuckle as I watch her stuff enough food in her mouth to fill it.

"Hey!" She pouts, food still in her mouth.

I smile, opening my water and taking a quick drink before closing it and putting it next to my tray.

"Michae, please, I love you!" I hear a girls voice loudly from one of the other tables.

I turn my attention towards them and of course.. Michael Conor.

"Please, don't leave me! I miss you.." she pouts, holding tightly onto his wrist.

"Lauren, I told you already!" Michael raised his voice at the girl, harshly grabbing her hand and pulling it off him.

"Fuck off." He muttered.

Michael walked back to his table that held the rest of his 'group' and sat down with no emotion of sadness.

Michael Conor, this is what I mean.

You toy with a girl and later get bored.

I despise you, Michael.


So, how is it? It's my first In Real Life fanfic! I'm so nervous because I feels like it's horrible and I keep reading it over and over and fixing things, adding things, changing words and what happens. UGH, SAVE ME FROM MY BAD WRITING!

The Liars Game | Michael ConorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ