We hung around the old gym parking alot for a little while. I was getting bored and wanted to do somthing. "Whats on your mind?" Michael asked me as I looked up at the sky. "I wanna do somthing." I said looking at him. Michael smiled evil. "Not that." I said laughing. "Lets go to the graveyard." Dj suggested. "Why a graveyard?" Brandy asked him. "Cause their awesome." Dj said as he started to the closest graveyard. "Hey, works with me." I said laughing as I followed Dj with Michael beside me. "Well, alright." Brandy said as her and everyone else followed.

"Now what?" Brandy said as we all sat against a line of headstones. "Lets play ghost." Cynthia said. "Thats lame." Ben said to her. "Is not. Dj do you want to play?" Cynthia asked him. "Sure, got nothing better to do." Dj said looking at everyone. "Im up for it." I said looking at Michael. Michael nodded his head in agreement. "Alright so how do you play?" Brandy asked us. "Someone is a ghost and goes off and hides while eveyone else counts, then the ghost pops out and scares you guys and you try to hide from them." Cynthia explained. "So whos the ghost?" Courtney asked. "I vote Cynthia since she picked out the game." I said looking at Cynthia. "What? Me? This sucks." Cynthia said as she got up and looked around. "Whats base?" Ben asked her. "How about that really tall thin headstone?" Cynthia said pointing at it. "Okay. So we count?" Brandy said as she walked to the headstone. "Actualy you chant like, one o'clock two o'clock and when you get to midnight you yell midnight then come find me." Cynthia said as we all went to the base headstone. "Alright. Start!" Cynthia said as she ran off to hide. Michael wrapped his arms around me from behind as we all started to count. Ben did the same to Brandy. "Midnight!" Ben yelled when we reached it. "Ghosty!" Dj said smiling evily. "Now Dj, no screwing the ghost." I said laughing as we started to look for Cynthia. "I cant promise anything." Dj said laughing. "If she tags someone, are they the ghost?" Brandy asked. "Yup." Michael said as we looked around the graveyard. "Boo!" Cynthia yelled as he jumped down from a tree. "Holy fuck!" Ben said as he took off running. "Oh my god." Brandy said shaking her head as she ran after him. "Maybe I wanna be tagged." Dj said smiling at Cynthia. "Im not tagging you." Cynthia said as she looked at Me and Michael. "Oh hell no!" I said running off with Michael behind me. "I'll get you then." Cynthia said smiling evily at Sam and Courtney who already took off running. Cyntia followed after them. "What the fuck?" Dj said as he threw his hands in the air and looked around for somewhere to hide.

"Ben!" Brandy yelled for him. "Hey babe." Ben said as he drop from a tree. "Your not suppose to scare me." Brandy said as she jumped. "But I dont think I wanna be tagged." Ben said as he took off running. "What the heck?" Brandy said confussed. "Ghost." Cynthia said as she tagged Brandy from behind. "The fuccck. Now this really sucks." Brandy said as she took off the direction Ben went to. "I'll find Dj." Cynthia said smiling.

Michael and I found this side graveyard and I sat on one of the headstones. "I dont belivie Cynthia will find us here." Michael said smiling. "Nope dont think so." I said laughing. "Now, to start were we left off." Michael said as he leaned down and started to kiss me. "Oh no." I said pulling away. "Whatt? You was like an hour ago." Michael said shocked. "Thats cause I was all vampire mode." I told him. "Thats not cool." Michael said laughing a little. "I want our fist time to be special." I said smiling at him sweetly. "Really?" Michael said looking at me disapointed. I nodded my head yes. "I think I have an idea." Michael said with an evil smile. "Oh do you?" I said looking at him funny. "Yupp." Michael said as he leaned down and kissed me again. I looked behind him and saw someone. I started to step back. "What?" Michael said confussed. "I dont want to be a ghost." I said smiling. "Your the ghost!" Brandy yelled. "Shit. Well since im the ghost, your my next victom." Michael said smiling evily at me as he started to chace me. "Fuck no!" I yelled running away from him. I kept running and running and ran into a little building with graves in it then froze. "Why'd you stop?" Michael said as he ran into me. I pointed at Cynthia and Dj. "DJ! THE FUCK?!!" Michael yelled as he saw them. "Hey! Privace please!" Cynthia yelled. "Oh my god." I said shaking my head as I left the little building. "What happend?" Courtney said walking up to us. "I found Cynthia and Dj." I said glaring at the building. "Only Dj." Courtney said shaking her head. "No, I think Michael would to." I said looking at Michael. "I would." Michael said agreeing with me. "Of course." Brandy said as she caught up with us with Ben behind her. "Oh well, im done playing this game if their gunna fuck." Ben said crossing his arms. "Why? Jelouse?" I said to him laughing. "He cant be jelouse." Brandy said looking at him. "I can." Ben said looking at Brandy. "But your not." Brandy said smiling. Ben just smiled back at her. "Oh god." I said shaking my head. "Im ready to leave." Courtney said looking at the car. "Why?" Sam asked her. "I sence somthing." Courtney said sounding worried. "Okay, what did we miss?" Cynthia said as her and Dj came out of the building. "Were about to leave. Courtney feels something weird." Michael said as he took my hand and we started back to the car. "Dont dont mean anything." I said looking at Courtney then Michael. "When she has feelings, its usaly bad." Michael told me as we reached the car. There was cops at the girls house and they walked over to us. "May I asked why you kids our out late?" One of the cops asked us. "Just out walking around, checked out my moms grave." Michael answerd calmly. "This late?" The cop asked curiously. "Yea. My mom likes the night, so I visted then." Michael answerd. "Whats her name?" The cop asked him. "Orlando, Sarah Orlando." Michael told the cop. "Okay, I hurd of an Orlando thats in there. You know its past curfew?" The other cop said. "Were all over 18 and was just about to go home anyways." Sam said to him. "Okay. Do you guys know of the girl missing over at that house?" The cop said pointing to where they came from. Cynthia looked at Michael. "Nope." Michael answerd. "Alright. Be safe." The cop said as they both walked back to the car. "Wow." Courtney said as we all got into Michaels car. "Thats your feeling wasnt it?" I said looking at Courteny. She nodded her head yes. "Told you." Michael said as we started back to our town.

"Okay, who wants to be dropped off first?" Michael said as we rolled into town. "Me. Please." Courteny said looking at Sam. "Im gunna stay at her house so, yea." Sam said to Michael. "Alright, Its the closet anyways." Michael said as he pulled up to Courtneys house. "Bye." We all said as her and Sam got out of the car. "Can I stay at your house?" Dj asked Michael. "No not tonight, maybe another." Michael said as he started driving again. "You can stay at mine." Ben said to Dj. "Alright, us next." Dj said as we drove to Bens house. "Bye babe." Brandy said as we got to Bens. "Bye." Ben said as he kissed Brandy and got out of the car. "Bye sexy thing." Dj said as he kissed Cynthia and winked at her as he got out of the car. "Come to my house." Brandy said to me and Cyntiha. "Alright, sounds good." Cynthia said. "Nah, not me. I wanna sleep in my own bed tonight." I said as I rubbed my eyes. "Fine suit yourself." Brandy said shurgging her shoulders. "Take me home next babe." I said to Michael. "Nope, your last. We're already at Brandys" Michael said as he stopped the car and they got out. I waved at them as they went inside. "Okay, now my house." I said as we started driving again. "Nope." Michael said smiling. "Why?" I said confussed. "Your going to my house." Michael said as he glanced at me. "Oh really? Whys that?" I said smart. "Cause, you'll just have to see." Michael said as we got closer to his house. "What would your dad say?" I said to him. "I have my own house." Michael said as he pulled up to his house. "Eighteen and have your own house. Nice." I said as we got out of the car. I walked inside and the walls were white, with red candles hanging on the walls. "What do you have planned?" I asked Michael as I glared at him. "Come upstairs and you'll find out." Michael said as he started up the stairs.

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