Chapter One ~ Complete

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Let me say this now, what you are about to read happened and effected a small, young girl no older then sixteen. Her family lived on a small island, which she grew up on since the age of one. Her mother died not long after moving by a large beast that was from the depths of hell. A similar one chased her father as a small boy, and it still haunted him to this day. This particular species happened to be the protector of an old burned down hotel from the early turn of the eighteenth century that was a mile away from where they moved.

This caused the young girl to grow up into a strong, independent high school student. This lead to her befriending the local junkies' daughter who was the same age. The girls' twin brother ran away when he couldn't take it anymore because he had no one to turn to. So, the young girl was all alone in the harsh world. The other young girl, who's named Rose, told her "sister" who was named Scarlet, or Scar for short, they were never leaving each other's side and that when they were together they were strong. Scar spent most of her time at Rose's and soon Rose's father adopted Scar. Her parents couldn't remember what number she was as that was all Scar was to them, a number. The whole island has said they have more than ten children, the oldest being eighteen to the youngest being sixteen months. So, it was to be expected that they couldn't remember their children, because they didn't have a mind left and numbers where the easiest things to remember.

The girls were always getting into trouble as they got older, but it was hard to keep them apart long enough to not cause trouble. School was interesting for them and they had to do something, or they would become bored. Scarlet's favorite thing to do was dare each other, even if it meant getting grounded. Late one night, after being warned many times don't go into the forest on a full moon, the girls went anyway, when Rose dared Scar. They found a Victorian style hotel that was indeed standing, but the girls thought they were way off course because of their father telling to stay away from the crumbling ruins of an old hotel. I mean with them being 17 of course they had to look around the woods to see it. Being so full of themselves, they ventured into the building and that lead them to the front desk. The inside of the hotel was dark and smelled like decaying meat and spoiled milk, but all-in-all it looked like any cheap old hotel with three floors.

The girls didn't even get to the front desk before they were lead away by a scary old man, whom looked like all he was, was a walking skeleton. The girls giggled to themselves but shrugged it off as a theme for the month. They were more concerned with how many doors they passed which looked like they had chains wrapped around it. The room they were placed inside was a broom closet that had two holes. One marked wolf the other marked moon monster. The girls stuck their arms in as a dare, but they instantly regretted the decision when they heard a nasty "CRUNCH", then each of them felt the pain equivalent to having a red-hot poker, striking you everywhere.

When their minds were clear from the pain, they heard a growling sound and a sound that you would hear from mice. The girls were taken quickly from the room and the bites examined in a timely fashion. Both screamed for each other, but nothing came out of their mouths as they were taken from each other's sides. Rose was rushed away to another room while Scarlet was taken to a room that was black, but you would think that it was a door to hell. Rose was lead to the end of the hall, where you looked out over the whole ground floor and she was tempted to jump over the side, just to get away from what was happening to her. The attendant stopped at a door that was pure white and looked way out of place with everything else being deathly black and cold feeling. The door opened and there stood what could be described as an angel with pure white wings. All he was missing was a halo. He asked what bit her, but she couldn't hear because of all the questions flooding her brain she now wanted to scream out. The attendant answered all the questions and then the door closed. She remembered hearing though "prophecy child". Rose was snapped out of the ideas swimming in her head after that remark. She got a needle in her arm and fainted right after.

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