"It was a guilt trip being that I've not gone to any of Ginny's games," Hermione grumbled. Blaise and the other Slytherins chuckled.

"Red would have made an excellent Slytherin," Theo quipped.

"No, she's sneaky enough as a Gryffindor," Harry laughed.

"I didn't even know Gryffindors could be sneaky," Draco added chuckling sitting beside Bella who seemed to unknowingly move closer to him where their arms and thighs would be nearly touching.

"Well, we're not obvious about it when we want something whereas with Slytherins it's expected you lot have an ulterior motive," Hermione rolled her eyes smiling at Bella then noticed her glances at Draco out of the corner of her eye seeing he was doing the same. The game began then which entranced all the men and Bella into watching intently. Every time the seeker was close Bella would hold her breath then slowly let it out as he didn't appear to have it. Draco watched Bella out of the corner of his eye paying attention to each physical reaction to the game, and knew he was becoming flustered just watching how passionate she was about one of his favorite things.

"Your wife is brilliant Harry," Bella remarked looking over at him. He blushed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Thanks, would you lot care to join us for lunch after this? I'm sure she'd love meeting the prima ballerina she's been blathering about for months," he smiled at Bella who blushed in return.

"It's still so strange that everyone seems to know me," she said quietly.

"Well, ballet is one of the purest forms of art and you are one of the most talented artists in the world, so it makes sense people recognize you for the beauty you create," Draco said looking at Bella who was speechless. She blushed deeply trying to figure out how to respond to such kind words.

"T-thank you," she placed her hand on his and he turned his running his thumb over her knuckles.

"Just being honest love," he whispered looking down at their hands.

"Come with me to the shop Bella, I want to get a Holyhead shirt for next time so Ginny doesn't bite my head off," Hermione asked bringing Bella and Draco out of their own world. She turned to Hermione and nodded standing letting go of his hand.

"We'll be back," Bella said telling Blaise before he volunteered to escort her down. "It'll be quick."

"Be careful," he said watching the game. Hermione looped her arm with Bella's as they walked down from the box to the merchandise store.

"Spill!" she whispered in Bella's ear as they browsed the rack for a shirt. Bella rolled her eyes knowing Hermione wouldn't let her leave until she told her.

"He's handsome, a lot more so than I had imagined. Draco is Blaise's' best friend though. I would be a terrible sister if I dated him," Bella shook her head ignoring the pang in her heart at the thought of turning away from Draco.

"I don't think he'd mind to be perfectly honest. It's someone he trusts implicitly not to mention he knows him and spends enough time with him that he would know if he didn't have the best intentions with you. However, can we just discuss how hot and heavy the tension between you two is!?" Hermione whispered excitedly.

"Whatever! That is SO not true, we just talked. He's sweet," she smiled pulling out a cute V-neck showing Hermione who quickly took it from her. Bella laughed looking at the Puddlemere gear opting to buy a new Puddlemere sweater with the logo on the front.

"He was such an arse in school, ugh why couldn't you have picked Theo? He, I could have supported wholeheartedly, Draco's just..." Hermione said shaking her head watching as Bella paid thanking the girl behind the counter who blushed and stammered a compliment on her dancing.

"Thanks Amelia," she peered at her name tag then took her new sweater.

"You're the one into Theo not me," Bella shrugged laughing at Hermione's spluttering a response.

"That... that is not the point! I don't even like him anymore," Hermione blushed cherry red as they walked towards the stairs.

"Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that and you may end up believing it," Bella winked at her as they slowly walked up.

"Speaking of Theo, is he... you know, seeing someone?" Hermione whispered in Bella's ear. Bella beamed shaking her head vigorously then giggled at Hermione's blushing as she looked directly at Theo walking in.

"You're about as subtle as an elephant in a china shop," Bella whispered then giggled more as Hermione blushed even redder.

"Shush!" she said slapping her arm then huffing to her seat.

"Are all Gryffindors violent?" she asked Draco as she took her seat.

"Only Granger, she punched me in third year straight on the nose," he blushed laughing at the memory.

"I heard and I also scolded her that violence is not going to solve anything. Right Hermione?" Bella asked looking at her best friend.

"Whatever, I told you he was an arse and deserved it," she shrugged looking at the game which seemed to be Puddlemere in the lead. It was that moment then the seeker dived down attempting to grab the snitch. It was an all-out race between both seekers Bella stood and strode forward to the balcony's ledge watching intently as the seeker from Puddlemere gained a lead. He quickly dived once more and grabbed the snitch. The announcer claimed the final score was 290 to 170. Bella turned excitedly hugging her brother.

"He was brilliant! That Wood should be played much more often," Bella told Blaise who nodded.

"I think we may have to reschedule that lunch. My wife is not the best company after losing a game," Harry chuckled.

"That sounds fine, how about this coming weekend you all come over to our home and have dinner with us?" Blaise asks Harry.

"That sounds great," Hermione says. She pulls Bella into a hug and whispers, "say yes." Hermione then walked over to Harry who waved goodbye and they left down to the locker room. Bella stood there confused until Draco brought her out of her befuddled thoughts.

"Granger's always been a strange witch," he chuckled and held out his arm for her. She smiled taking it. "Bella, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow evening?"

So that's what she was talking about, Bella thought. "I don't know if that's a good idea. You are one of my brother's best mates after all. I don't want to cause any issues," she said honestly looking away. He smiled a genuine smile at her that had her stomach in knots.

"How about I talk about it with Blaise?" Draco offered not wanting to give up a chance with this witch. Bella nodded and smiled at him. They then caught up with their group and took the portkey back to the Zabini's home. 

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