Its raining

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The rain was pouring and and beating on my window as the day drained away I tried sleeping since it's always better on a rainy day but a sudden knock was at my door I sighed getting up putting on my puma slides heading for the door. I looked through the peephole I couldn't make out there face but the were average height with a black coat. "Who is it" I Ask for confirmation. "Nas" they replied not familiar with the name I started to tell them wrong house but it's raining and I felt bad so I opened the door. "Mam could I come in and use your phone" he asks short breathed. "Sure" I moved to the side letting him in. "It's over there next to the sofa on the coffee table" I pointed towards the phone as he nodded taking off his shoes at the door. .....I wasn't really paying attention to his conversation but it sounded like he wasn't going to be able to get help any time soon he ended the call and turned to me. "Is there something wrong" i asked "umm it's just my car broke down and my phone has no service and I called the aarp people but they can't get to me until the morning" he sighed "well your welcome to stay I have a Guess room" I nod "no I don't want to be a burden" he insisted "no it's ok you can stay I'm sure you don't want to be out in the rain" I imply "are you sure" he ask "no it's okay I'm sure" I smiled "ok thank you" he says taking a seat on the bar stool at the island. "Do you want anything to drink" I Ask " I don't know what do you have" he smirked "wine,water, etc" I answered "wine red perhaps" he smirked. I then went to the pantry to grab the wine and came back out and grabbed glasses. I poured his glass and mine and went into the living room suiting my feet on the couch he followed behind me and sat down also I just scrolled through my phone checking my twitter. "I didn't catch your name" he spoke up "oh nicki" I say "that sound like a nickname is it for something" he ask curious "oh well real name onika But nicki stuck and that's not even my nickname" I responded "onika is beautiful" he smiled as I blushed "thank you" I reply trying to hide my red cheeks "welcome but what's the nickname" I shook my head "Cookie" I said "enough about me nas very short what's yours" I Ask "Nasir" he replies "i love that name if i see you around i might call you that'' i replied. "height" i posit "5'8"  he uttered. "what about you shorty" he continued. "5'3".... "you sure"he ask as i nod like how he know. "ok 5'2 but you gone respect that extra inch" i tilted my head to the side as he laughed. "ill respect i like your shortness" he responds getting closer and it escalates  from there our lips touched and now im on his lap staddling him. He picked me up laying me on the couch and trailed his kisses to my stomach easy access considering I had on a robe and thong that didn't help my case. His kisses stopped at my Center before putting my panties to the side. His tongue wrapped around my clit sending chills down my spine he then started tongue fucking me. "Damn" I moaned as he did all types of tricks with his tongue my legs wrapped around his head and I started shaking I think he was spelling his name or whatever but I couldn't hold back I let go squirting everywhere and creaming right after as he licked me clean. "Damn ma almost drowned a nigga" he stated I started blushing that was the best head ever I knocked out afterwards. Like how could I fall asleep with a stranger in your house but he put the Cookie to sleep.


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