Prolouge (continued.)

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Hi guys! Here is the next update! I hope you enjoy.

Annabeth *pov*

     They made us stand and watch as they plotted how to kill my boyfriend.

     How come I wasn't there next to him? He certainly thought that I was. 

     It was all part of our plan to save the world. Unfortunately, that plan involved losing one of our own.

     No matter how powerful Gaea was, we could not let her wake.  That would mean game over.  We had to poison the blood that she thought w would save her.  The blood of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. But in reality? Annabeth Chase was not tied to that rock beside Percy Jackson.  Sadie Kane was. 


     When that sword entered Percy's body, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces that could never could be put back together again.

     "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I heard the other demigods screaming beside me, but their voices didn't seem real.

               Not my Percy .

               Not the boy that kissed me underwater.

               Not the boy that risked his life to safe mine.

               Not the only boy I ever cried over.

               He left me for eight months. Then he promised me forever.

               He promised me forever. This was not forever. THIS WAS NOT FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

     I let a cry that was full of more despair than the entire earth contained.  My grip on Hazel tightened, as if squeezing her tighter and tighter would bring Percy back to me.


     It is worth mentioning that I looked like Sadie and she like me.  That was our plan.  Sadie was a magician, not a half blood. Her blood would taint Percy's and prevent Gaea from rising permanently.  Her stones will be stained with mixed blood that could never be washed away. The plan seemed genius at the time. But it was so hard. It hurt so much to let go someone that you love.  Percy knew what he was getting himself into. He agreed to it.  Yet I imagined that we would still get to have our happy ending. I wouldn't let myself think about what I would do when he was gone.

     When. That's a word I didn't think I would ever have to use in that sentence.  I am w at a seemed to think that Percy was invincible, even after his curse of Achilles was washed away in the little Tiber.  He had been through so much, yet he was still alive.  His pain now gave me the shocking reminder that none of us were invincible and our lives could end in an instant.  There was no way that Percy could come back from this.  It was an injury too big for ambrosia to heal. 

     Percy knew what he was getting himself into.  He knew that this would involve dying. Yet he was too loyal to the rest of our group to allow any of them to die for him.  I agreed to go with him because we were the two that Gaea wanted most. We were the perfect pair. That's why we were the perfect cover.  The only part of the plan Percy didn't know was exactly how we planned on killing Gaea. I let him think he was going on a death mission with his girlfriend.  It would make him happy.

     The others didn't know what was happening either.  Just Carter, Sadie, and I. The others would have never let us go on with the mission of they knew that it would involve Sadie and Percy dying.  They didn't want them to die. Neither did I. But decisions like this come with the territory when your a daughter of Athena.  Like my mother once told me, sometimes the smartest choice you can make is to back down and let others take the hit for you.  The reasoning behind it was so sick, but it was true.  Sometimes, the only way to prevail was to sacrifice others for the greater good. 

     But as it turned out, our plan wasn't necessary. Sadie had figured things out for herself.

A/n: So what do you think? Tell me if you have any suggestion for me.  Remember to comment, vote, share, and all that jazz. :-P I'll see you in the next update!

-Nessa XD

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