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Weeks had passed and you had turned to depression. Although Levi wasn't the only person you had left he still held a special place in you heart and it felt as though he had removed your heart and crushed it right in front of you.

           You wanted to see him so badly though. To at least touch him for a single moment, but that moment had passed when he chose Petra over you. The silky lining of his firm chest slid through your mind. The way you used to sweep your pale fingers through his soft silky hair. It felt as though it was just yesterday when you had fought. However, that was a month ago.
  'He didn't even give me a reason....Oh wait he did...that two faced, son of a bitch called Petra'. You couldn't even start on how much you loathed her and that sickly sweet smile of hers. It all just made you want to hurt her more than you ever thought you could.


Today was the day of an expedition and you were not ready one bit. You had locked yourself in your room and would only come out to do basic things. You could basically say that you looked like a walking, talking zombie.

      You woke up and got changed. You stared at yourself in the mirror whilst touching your scruffy h/c hair.

"Of course Levi broke up with me. I look like shit." You declared to yourself. Just then you heard a knock on the door and you being you, and, also in a shitty mood, didn't reply.

"Y-y/n please come out. We miss you...I miss you. It's not how it used to be now that your not here. Everyone seems so different. P-please come out and t-tell me, at least, what happened." Silent sobs were heard from behind the door and you could tell it was Hanji. The one person you trusted wholeheartedly in survey corpse, no matter what Hanji would be the one who would always be there for you. Even when you had locked yourself in your room she came everyday and sat by the door hoping for you to give her some sign that you were alive. Where that woman got all that patience from you really didn't know.

           You stood there. Thinking. 'I'm going to have to come out sooner or later seeing as we have an expedition today. Might as well let Hanji see me'.

You walked up to the door and placed your hand on the handle. You hesitated before opening the door. 'Hm?' You thought
'The flip? She was here literally two seconds ago'.
Just then an ecstatic Hanji had jumped on top off you with tears pouring down her face like a waterfall.

"YOU BITCH! YOU LEFT ME ALONE FOR A MONTH! A MONTH! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME?!" She was punching you lightly enough to not hurt you seeing as you had lost a lot of weight and honestly everything hurt. Even moving your arm a little.

"Oh wow... You look dead y/n."

     You giggled and shedded a few tears of contentment. "Nice to see you too Hanji!" You engulfed her tightly refusing to let go. She wouldn't leave you.

You a honeyed voice come from the direction of the door. You turned to look at the door and there stood your arch-nemesis. The one and only person you loathed with ever fibre of your being. Petra fucking Ral.

You stared at her miniature form, preventing yourself, with all that you had, from pouncing onto her and ripping her into pieces; hyena like.

"Get out." You said sotto voce.
"Hm? I can't seem to understand what your trying to say. Please speak louder."
That's it. You couldn't take it. The rage inside you had enlarged just by seeing her face, but her voice had just touched your last nerve.

You screamed and lunged on top of her, punching her anywhere and everywhere. 'This is what you get for being a lying, cheating little shit'. You weren't so very satisfied with your punches or kicks so you started to strangle her. You wrapped your digits tightly around her neck and tried your hardest to squeeze the life out of her. Your face must've seemed awfully distorted. You wanted her dead. Erased from existence.

      Hanji stood there in bewilderment before returning to reality. She ran up to you and tried to get you of Petra but you were nearly impossible to move. It's crazy what human will power could do.

Hanji screamed at you to get off but you payed no attention. She deserved this. Once you were assured with what you had done you slowly lifted yourself off the ground and moved to the side. An insane ear to ear grin plastered on your face was what Petra had seen before she passed out.



Hanji had called the nurse to take Petra into the infirmary. She didn't say much of what happened, well because it was pretty obvious if anyone found out what you had done you'd be kicked out of the survey corpse and that was the last thing that she wanted. The bruises, however, that lay on her neck were visible due to how hard you had gripped her neck, but with some makeup you had covered it before the nurse arrived.

        Now you were sitting on your bed with Hanji. She knew when to speak and when to shut up so now she just sat there waiting for you to say something because well it was pretty obvious what she wanted to ask.

"Y/n, tell me." She demanded.

You stared at her with a 'do you really want to know face. She retorted with a nod.

"A month ago, before i locked myself up,"

"And before you left me to die." Hanji retorted

"Yeah yeah and before that. I couldn't sleep so I went to the mess hall to do some shitty ass paperwork but then Levi came in and-'

You paused and took a deep breath. It still pained you. A lot.

"Yeah well he came in we argued-ish and he said he didn't love me and said I was a toy to him all this ti-"

"That little short assed midget. The flip does he think he is going around  saying shit like tha-"

"Thanks for the concern Hanji but let me finish. So I then got pissed and told him to leave but he didn't then i screamed at him and he left with a 'goodnight squad leader' and that was the night I cried myself to sleep."

Hanji looked as though she could kill a bitch but she was confused as to why you almost cannibalised Petra.

"Why'd ya almost mutilate Petra then?" She questioned.

"Ah I forgot the important part. He said he loved her instead." You dead panned.

Now Hanji was furious. And a furious Hanji isn't one that's very pleasant.

"So what's the plan?"
"Hm? Plan?" You asked confused.
"Yes woman. P.L.A.N."

"Aah yes my dear Zoë, the plan is to kill Petra on the expedition."

You both gazed at each other with a psychotic look in your eyes and a malicious grin painted across each of your faces. This was going to be fun.

Levi x Reader x PetraWhere stories live. Discover now