Narcissa gave her a soft smile. "That's true. However, you're much better than I could have ever hoped for."

Hermione looked up sharply and studied Narcissa warily.

"I do apologize if I've been a bit pushy. You'll have to forgive me as I'm about to be a bit more pushy just now--" She stopped talking abruptly as the door burst open and Draco stood in the doorway breathing heavily, with his hair and robes disheveled.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat as Draco flashed a lopsided grin at her. She felt the familiar feeling of desire course through her veins as she stared at him. Hermione tried unsuccessfully to shake her lustful thoughts and calm her erratic heartbeat as Draco crossed the room and planted a kiss on her lips. She wound her arms around his neck and tried to pull him as close as possible, forgetting for a moment that his mother was in the room.

Draco was surprised by her aggression and smirked against her lips. She pulled back and looked up at him breathlessly, mentally undressing him.

"Ahem." Narcissa cleared her throat and Hermione jumped back in her chair, horrified at her spontaneous actions.

"Narcissa, I, I'm sorry--" she started.

Narcissa cut her off with a laugh. "Don't worry about it dear. I remember I could hardly keep my hands off of Joseph when I was pregnant with Aries."

Draco's face contorted in disgust. "Mother, please. Spare us the details." He guided Hermione out of her chair and sat down, pulling her into his lap. Hermione was too embarrassed to protest.

"So Mother. What brings you by today? We just saw you yesterday."

"A source of mine told me that Hermione is expecting. I came to convey my congratulations," She said with a smirk.

Draco's eyebrows raised in surprise. "How did you...Damn it! I forgot you and Healer Smith are friends!" He shot Hermione an apologetic look. "So much for healer-patient confidentiality," he mumbled to himself, leaning back in Hermione's chair.

"What was that Draco?" Narcissa asked.

"Nothing Mother. So what's the real reason for your visit?"

Elise walked in with a tray of tea at that moment. Hermione rose to take the tray and squeezed Elise's hand in gratitude.

Narcissa took the cup from Hermione. "While I am truly ecstatic about the news, this complicates things."

Hermione took the seat next to Narcissa and frowned. "How so?"

"We need to announce your engagement as soon as possible, before you start to show." She pulled a calendar from her bag. "I was thinking this Friday? I could have all of the invitations sent out by this evening and Hermione you and I can find you a suitable dress tomorrow during your lunch break."

"Friday!?" Draco and Hermione exclaimed simultaneously.

"Why so soon mother?"

"I wasn't planning on telling you this but, a reporter at the Prophet already has a story written about your engagement but is holding it at my request."

"How--" Hermione started.

"You were photographed in that muggle cafe showing Pansy your engagement ring."

"Oh." Hermione flushed red.

"It's only a matter of time before they find out about this as well. It's in our best interest to be on the offensive. You know, get ahead of the story."

Hermione nodded. "That makes sense. Draco what do you think?"

Draco was sitting in Hermione's chair with his fingers laced together under his chin with a pensive look on his face. He exhaled deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know Herms. I mean I understand what Mother is saying but I haven't even met your parents. What are you going to do? Show up tomorrow and say 'Hi mum and dad. I know you've never met him but this is Draco, we're engaged and expecting. Please come to our engagement party this weekend'?"

Hermione's brow furrowed. "That is an excellent point. But my mum and dad trust that I make smart decisions. I expect they'll be surprised and my mum will be mad that I've been dating and she hasn't heard about it, but they'll be supportive."

"Okay Hermione. I trust your judgment on this one. Ring your mum and see if we can come round for dinner tomorrow evening." He rose from her chair. "Now I must be off. I'm presenting my newest idea to the board in about an hour."

"The one that we discussed the other day?" Hermione asked excitedly as Draco pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Yes. I expect it will go over well. I'll see you at home around six. Do you want me to pick up dinner on my way in?"

Hermione shook her head and stood to walk him to the door. "No I can cook tonight. I'm actually about to head home."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. "You sure? Are you feeling well enough?"

Narcissa snorted and the couple turned to look at her. "Did you two forget I was here?"

"I did try Mother," Draco replied haughtily.

"Draco!" Hermione hit him on the arm. "That is no way to speak to your mother! Apologize immediately!"

He mumbled a quick apology and was on his way after dropping another kiss on her cheek.

Narcissa rose and walked toward the door. "Should I come collect you tomorrow around noon so we can go shopping?"

Hermione gathered her things from her desk and followed Narcissa out of her office. "Would it be alright if we went on Wednesday? I'd like my mother to join us."

"That's fine with me."

They walked the rest of the way to the lifts in silence.

"Hermione!" a voice called out from behind them.

Hermione turned around and saw Harry running down the hallway toward her.

"You can go ahead Narcissa. I'll send you an owl after I speak with my mum tomorrow."

Narcissa nodded, gave Hermione a stiff hug and left.

"Hey 'Mione! Have a good day?" Harry asked, putting an arm on her shoulder and following her into one of the lifts.

"Splendid," Hermione said with a smile. "And you?"

"Busy, but good."

"You're headed home already?" Hermione asked, taking note of his umbrella and overcoat. "It's barely half three."

"I'm coming back." He stared at his shoes and continued. "Draco asked me to take you home," He mumbled.

"Draco did what?"

Harry sighed. "He asked me to take you home. Because I have a car."

"He is being so dramatic! I am more than capable of getting myself home!" She folded her arms across her chest and frowned.

"Come on Hermione, let me take you home. Draco said you weren't feeling well. A stomach bug or something right?" He pushed his glasses up on his nose and looked at her with concern in his eyes.

Hermione blinked at him in disbelief as they reached the atrium. "Wow, Harry. You really are thick," She said, laughing as she exited the lift. "Come on! Take me home."

"What?" Harry called after her. "Hermione! How am I thick?"

A/N Bored in class again lol hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote, comment and share! :)

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