I set out plates on the table and put silverware next to them. The food was already on the table, so I told Hermione and Parvati to go wake Ron.

By the time everybody was seated at the table, Harry still wasn't back in the tower. Just as I was going to clear the table, Harry appeared with Neville and Cho Chang?

What is Cho doing here? I thought. She had graduated when I was coming out of fifth year. I glared at her. She was Harry's first kiss, and I knew she still liked him.

"Ginny, Cho is going to be staying with us," Harry said.


"Harry, can I talk to you, alone?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah, sure," he said.

We walked up to our dormitory, him following me as I stormed up the stairs. As soon as I entered the room, I slammed the door in his face, forgetting that he was coming.

"Uh, Ginny, are you okay?" Harry asked as he opened the door.

"Why is she staying with us?" I screamed.

"Because Lucius Malfoy killed her parents and then blew up her house. Why are you so mad, Love?"

"Don't call me 'Love' after you just invited her to stay with us. I can tell she's still in love with you," I yelled.

"Why does it matter if she loves me, if I'm so deeply in love with you. I'm completely yours." He wasn't yelling. He was completely calm. I wondered how he stayed calm while I was yelling at him.

"Do you really believe that Lucius Malfoy killed her parents. When we killed Voldemort, he was sent to Azkaban. He can't get out of there. Look, Harry, I love you and your good heart, but she can't stay here. Not in this tower anyway," I wasn't screaming anymore either.

"Ginny I-" Harry started, but before he could finish, a chuckle came from the doorway.

There stood Lucius Malfoy.

Cho was telling the truth.


Lucius Malfoy was standing in the doorway.

"Thought I couldn't get out of Azkaban, did you? Thought I was trapped? I certainly did," he said.

"How did you get out?" I asked, pushing Ginny behind me.

"That, I don't even know. An ally helped me out."

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain how you're in the castle," Ginny said.

"Ah, you said 'Voldemort', did you not?" He smirked.

Voldemort's name was still a taboo.

Lucius saw the realization dawn on my face.

"The name hasn't been a taboo this whole time, the aforementioned ally made it one again," he said, smirking. "Now, if you don't mind, I will be taking Miss Weasley. STUPEFY!"

A jet of red light shot out of his wand and hit me in the chest. I slipped into unconsciousness.

I was being violently shaken awake, hours later, or that's how long I thought it was. You could never really tell.

"Harry! Harry!" Hermione's voice shouted.

"Hermione, how long have I been out?"

"Well, Lucius Malfoy came sprinting down the stairs a few minutes ago, which was a pretty idiotic move on his part if you ask me, and I could only guess that you were knocked out immediately before that. Ron, Neville, Luna, Parvati, and Cho chased him out of the tower. Come on. And put a shirt on," Hermione said.

After I slipped a shirt over my head, I grabbed my wand and ran out of the tower. I ran into Draco in the corridor.

"Potter, what's going on?" he asked.

"Your father broke out of Azkaban and he has Ginny. Did you know this?"

"No, I hate him," Malfoy said in a harsh voice, and I knew he was telling the truth.

"Come on then, we need to save Ginny."

We ran towards the Great Hall, where there was a full out battle. There were at least 100 death eaters, all broken out of Azkaban.

Draco and I fought our way to Lucius, but when we got to him, he suddenly stopped battling and grabbed Ginny. He pointed his wand at her.


The End.


So that was the end. I still don't know if I'm doing a sequel, because nobody's commenting or voting.

If you want a sequel, vote and comment like crazy and I'll make one.

60 comments, and 50 votes on the whole story, yeah? (Still, the comments can't be all from one person)

Thanks for all your votes, reads, comments, and support,


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