You almost choked on your food when she said that. You did have a crush on Eugene but you try to forget about it sense that like every other girls crush in the office. And it's like why would he choose you out of all these better people he could have a chance with. Like they're all better than you and- your thoughts got interrupted by a "hi" you looked up and you saw ally Zach and ned sitting across from you and Eugene and Keith next to you.

"Oh hi, sorry I was just zoning out." You said with a little blush from embarrassment.

"No your fine."  Eugene said while patting you on the back lightly. You tryed not to blush from human contact and lucky you didn't.

(I was able to hold back a blush before and it was the most uncomfortable shit ever)

We were all having a nice time eating until Eugene said

"Hey  I like your outfit, it looks really good on you. But I understand why you can't wear that in the office." He said poking your belly area implying that it's a crop top.

"Oh yeah thank you" you said with a little bit of blush.

They all were having a conversation you couldn't relate to so you just zoned out.

You were thinking of Eugene.

Well girls at the office really like him for his hair and his face, like only his looks. I really like him because of his funny personality. He had the best and most relabel personality. Like he may have a tough act on the out side but you knew he was really soft on the inside. You hate it when people say 'oh he doesn't like hugs or he hates cats' cause you know that wasn't true, he literally hugs the try guy all the time off and on camera, plus he literally has held a cat on multiple situations by choice. And-

(Those are actually true fact btw if you didn't know)

Your thoughts got cut off by ally.

"What do you think (Y/n)?"    (Totally wasn't about to type my name)

"Oh sorry I was zoning out, what was the question?" You asked.

"Should the try guys try nude modeling or ufc fighting?"

(Btw the videos that they do are not going to be in order so deal with it)

"O-oh, don't ask me. Please" you said.

"Then We're going with my choice!" Ally said.

"What's your choice?" You asked.

"Nude modeling, just think it would bring in more viewers." She said.

You felt all the color drain from your face. You were recording the video.

You just tried to brush it off and tried to join their conversation about siblings or something.

*+*+*+*time skip*+*+*+£

You guys came home maybe an hour later.

You entered your apartment to have Nikki run up to you. (If you don't know who Nikki is then read the info chapter). You pet her and sat down on the couch.

Oliver came and sat on your lap. He was adorable. Ally came and sat next to you with the biggest grin.

"What?" You asked

"You totally like Eugene." She said.

"Yeah but so does like every other girl in the office I have like a 0.0001% chance with him. Everyone else is way prettier than me" you said looking down.

"No, you see you know Eugene like an actual person not just looks. I've been your friend for years and I know that you love people for who they are and not looks. And I know that you're close to the try guys so I know you like him for who he is and not his looks like everyone else." She said.

You smile about to say something when you get a text message.

Group chat with. Keith, Zach, Ned, Eugene, you, and Ally

Keith- do you guys all wanna get lunch together tomorrow?? If so how about sushi?

Ned- sure

Zach- y not.

Ally- YES!!

Eugene- ok

You- sounds good.


"Ohhhh~, now we're going to lunch with them, can I pick out your outfit for work tomorrow???" She asked.

"Sure." She did have a great sense in style.

Well chapter one done. Unedited

Words: 943

Eugene x reader Where stories live. Discover now