She sighed and said,

"You are such a caring person Hermione. You be safe and keep in contact."

I nodded and walked out of the door. I walked to the barriers and apparated to Luna's place. I looked at the tall black house. I smiled to myself and looked over to the hill. That is where the Burrow is at. I smiled bigger and sighed. I knocked on the door and it opened. There stood Luna. She smiled to me and said,

"Hermione I am so glad you are here."

"Of course I would be here. I will come if you need me. So where is your father at?" I asked.

We walked in and went up to a few floors. There in an open room sat Xenophilius Lovegood sitting there. He looked up and smiled to me.

"Hello Miss Granger. I am glad you could stop by." He said.

"Well, I heard you and Luna are having a troubling matter to talk to me about. So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

He looked over to Luna and she nodded. He took a deep breath and said,

"I have been threatened by a few death eaters and I need your help."

I nodded in understanding. I thought about it for a few minutes. I sighed and said,

"How about I stay around for a while and we can see if that will help. I am going to send a message to the Weasley."

"Hermione are you sure?" Luna asked.

I nodded and wrote a quick note and make it vanish.

Today was Christmas eve. I looked around Luna's room and saw that Luna was already awake. I went down to see her already making breakfast. She smiled and said,

"Morning. How did you sleep?"

"Good. Thanks for breakfast." I told her.

"So what are your plans today for Christmas eve?" Luna asked.

"I was going to go visit the Weasley. I promised them that I would make it back for the Holidays. Are you and your father going to be alright?" I asked.

She nodded and we ate in silence. I got ready to leave. I walked back down the stairs and saw Luna waiting there for me. I gave her a hug and said,

"I will be back by the end of Christmas. You contact me if you need me bac sooner."

She nodded and said,

"Hermione, you go enjoy yourself. You have done so much for us. I will see you after the holidays. My father and I will be fine."

I gave her a hug and apparated away. I appeared right next to the barriers. I smiled at the sight. I walked up to the house. Right then the door opened up and there ran out three red heads. I smiled to myself and was embraced in hugs.

"You are back!" Ginny said excited.

"Alright you three. Let the girl breath and warm up." Charlie said from the door of the house.

We all walked back in and there I was engulfed in a hug by Mrs. Weasley. She looked over me and made sure I was still in once piece. I smiled at her and said,

"I missed you too Mrs. Weasley."

"I am so happy you are alright. How is Luna and her father?" She asked.

"They are alright. I stayed there for most of the time and reassured them." I shared.

We all sat down and enjoyed the day. I sat in my favorite chair. I read a book to pass time. I felt my book getting pulled out of my hand. I looked up and saw Charlie was standing there. He smiled at me and squeezed himself into the chair with me. I started to laugh at him. I was half way on him and half way on the chair.

"So we barely got to talk since you got back." Charlie said.

"I know. I just keep getting grabbed different ways. I have been so busy." I told him.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something." He started to say.

Right then a note appeared on my lap. I looked at it. It was Luna's handwriting. I quickly opened it. It read,

Hermione they are here! HELP!

I quickly got up from where I was sitting. Charlie looked at me. I gave him a look and said,

"I have to go. Luna needs me."

"Do you want us to come?" He asked.

"No, I should be okay. If you don't hear word from Luna, Xenophilius, or me then we need help." I explained.

I quickly got to Luna's house. There was Luna fighting three death eaters and two more were coming out of nowhere. I quickly started to cast spells to them. Luna turned and smiled. I ran up next to her and we fought together. Right then they dissappeared. We thought it was over.

"Luna are you alright?" I asked.

"HERMIONE BEHIND YOU!" Luna screamed.

But I was not fast enough. Everything went dark and I knew we were in trouble then.

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