"We are going to be going to get Harry soon but we are going to be doing it differently. Who every is of age is going to be coming with us." Moody said.

"If you choose to." Lupin butt in.

"We all want to. If it helps Harry we will do it. Now what is the plan?" Hermione asked.

"That is what we are going to be planning right now." Tonks said.

"Alright, we need to figure out a way to get Harry here without any of the Death Eater capturing him. They have been patrolling the area around his house." Moody explained.

Everyone looked around and then looked right at me. I looked from everyone to end up on Mad- Eye Moody and said,


"Hermione, we all know that you already have plotted a plan while Moody here was talking." Lupin said smiling.

Since he has taught at Hogwarts. He has noticed when Hermione gets an idea or a thought she had this look and then an aha moment. Remus smiling at her and saw he sigh and said,

"Alright, before I explain. I want to make sure that no one asks me how I know this." Everyone nodded and sat there quiet. "Since the Death Eater and You- Know- Who is looking for Harry. We are going to need to trick them by using polyjuice potion and make seven Harrys. The Harry will go with an Order member and will meet up at a certain spot that is protected. So the Death Eater does not know which one is the real Harry. Once in the destination spot there will be a portkey to transport them back here." Hermione explained.

"Miss Granger, you are a genius. I don't know where we would be without you." Mad- Eye Moody said smiling.

Hermione blushed at his comment. She did not think she was a genius. She was just helping out in any ways possible.

"Now the question is who is going to be drinking the polyjuice potion and who will be transporting the people." Arthur asked.

"Well, I have already thought that out as well." Hermione said with a smirk.

"Of course you did." Fred said snickering.

"Anyways; Fred, George, Ron, Fleur, and I will be the Harry's copy. If they want to do it. Then we are going to be needing the top main Order members to come. Ones that the Death Eaters know that we are going to be trusting them with. I was think Tonks, Lupin, Arthur, Bill, and Mad- Eye Moody of course. The last one could be Kingsley if he can slip away. But we still need one more person to be a fake Harry." Hermione explained.

"I know who can do it. Do not worry about Hermione. You did a great job." Mad- Eye Moody said.

"There is just one flaw with your plan Hermione." Remus spoke up.

"I know. How are we going to get Harry to agree to this?" Hermione said with a sigh. "We all know that Harry does not like us putting ourselves in danger for him. Even if we try to explain to him that we all volunteered and agree, he still will not agree. But if I have to I will just will rip a chunk of his hair out when we see him." Hermione grinned at her idea.

"I like Mione idea." Fred said laughing.

"I can just picture Harry's face when she does that." George finished.

"Then it's final. We all agree on this and know what we have to do. Now we just need to make the polyjuice potion." Tonks said.

"If you find me the ingrediance I can make it for you. Since I have so much time on my hands and you are all busy with jobs and the order." Hermione said.

"How do you know how to make polyjuice potion?" Charlie asked.

Hermione and Ron smirked and laughed a little bit. Everyone was confused and looked at both of them. Hermione smiled and said,

"Well, since it's in the past and we can't get in trouble for it now. I made it in my second year of Hogwarts, so Harry, Ron and I could sneak into Slytherins common room to get some answers on who opened the chamber of secrets."

"Is that why you were in the hospital wing the first time?" Fred asked shocked.

"Yes, I got a hair off of a Slytherin girl and it was her cat's hair. So I turned into a cat. Since the potion does not work to change people into animals I had to go to the hospital wing to get cured." Hermione laughed a little bit thinking about it now.

"Wait, you made it when you were in your second year? How did you get the potion directions? It's in the restricted section." Charlie asked shocked.

"Well, that year we had Lockheart as our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and I just tricked him into sighing me a pass to allow me to enter there. It was actually really easy. But the potion is going to take some time. If I start now. I will be done by the end of the summer." Hermione explained.

"Can you finish it before the wedding?" Arthur asked.

"I think so." Hermione paused for a second and said, "Yeah, I am able to. I just will need the ingrediance by tomorrow."

Hermione looked from the adults to get an answer. Mad- Eye Moody was smiling and nodded. Tonks whispered something to Remus and he nodded in response. It was the look on Mrs. Weasley's face that got everyone concerned.

"I don't want any of my children to be doing this. That even means Hermione." Mrs. Weasley said.

"But we are all adults. We want to do this mother. We know that you are scared but you raised us to be caring, brave, and strong. If we don't do this what does that say about us. We care for Harry. You always taught us to help a friend and family out, no matter the situation. If you believe in it enough then you should go for it." Charlie explained.

Mrs. Weasley sighed and just said,

"Be careful then. I want all my kids to come back here alive and untouched. And for you Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. How dare you make a restricted potions and break the rules to sneak into another house's common room to get answers for something so dangerous."

Ron ears went red and Hermione just put her head down, but she had a smirk on her mouth. She knows that Mrs. Weasley only cares and that she counts Hermione as her own child feels great. Hermione looked from everyone else and Charlie asked,

"Is there anything you can't do?"

"I haven't figure out how to bring back the dead yet." Hermione said smirking.

Everyone started to laugh at what her answer. Hermione knew that she was smart but she knew that she had so much more than her smarts. The Weasleys knew that as well. She felt at home here. It was a home away from home.

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