Black and White

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My name is Liam Samson,

And the only colors I can see are black, white and gray. But I'm not the only one; my whole family, neighborhood, even the whole world can only see those bland colors.

At least that's what our president told us...
She's this "all powerful and kind" ruler who gave us "freedom".
I find that a complete lie; my Aunt Lily and Uncle Jerry believed me until they were killed right before my eyes.

They burst through the house doors, crying tears of joy; they had done it.
They figured out where the chip was and successfully removed it without harming their bodies.
My Aunt Lily told me I had eyes that were as green a thick evergreen forest. I had smiled brightly at her comment.
Suddenly my mother pulled me away from my Aunt and Uncle.
The police had shown up and snapped their necks.
And here I didn't know I could scream that high, thought I was girl for a second.

I stare at the ceiling of my room, wondering what the color is.
Maybe blue.. It didn't matter.

My alarm rang off for a third time, screaming at me to get up.
Sighing, I did. I forced myself to do the same routine every week.

Eat, sleep and work.

That sentence burned in my brain, making me do it every week of this horrible life.
I wanted to go somewhere new and see colors blossom from the ground and stretch into the sky.

I got dressed and left the house, heading towards the bus stop. While waiting, one of my best friends, Joe, runs over.

"Am I late?" She asks, grinning. Pulling her pitch black hair into a bun.
"Well there's no bus yet." I replied.
"Gotcha." Joe said simply and clicked her tongue.

We quietly talked about what the rainbow looked like while we waited for the bus to arrive.
After a small time had passed people had gathered around the stop, we all huddled together as bus came into view. Once it stopped everyone rushed inside, could you blame them? It was freezing outside.

I sat next to the window and Joe slid over next to me.

"Jeezums! Liam, your hands are literal ice!" Joe said shocked as she held both my hands. I giggled and told her, "Really? That's cool because they're numb."

She made me wear her fluffy black mittens.

The rest of the ride was silent, no one spoke. I stared blankly at the window, I watched snowflakes fly by in a flash as they created more snow on the ground.

Ten minutes flew by and we got off the bus. Everyone entered school without a word, saying nothing, just walking to our classes..

Me, Joe, Roswell and my friend Marceline all had the same class.

Our teacher walked in, he had the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was scary.

"Welcome everyone to Thursday! I have glorious news today. After lunch, the woman herself, Donna Adamson, is going to visit this very classroom!" He said happily.

The whole class cheered with joy. The President is coming to my school...

"Isn't this just GAH-RRRRATE??!!!" Marceline smiled. The three of us gave her an un-easy look.

Joe was nervous and terrified, she looked like she was going to have a panic attack. Could you blame her? She's transgender
Here, that's illegal.

Roswell tried his best to stay calm but I could see right through him. He was gay, which was also illegal..

"Yyyeeeeaaahhh....." We said in unison. Marceline thought we were weird so she rolled her silver eyes.

My day continued as the same, boring, normal.. I went to my other classes, then headed to the lunchroom.
I didn't want to eat, the knot in my stomach kept turning and twisting like the roots of an old tree. My friends sat with me, they all had the same nervous look I had; except for Marceline.
She was happily munching on a pickle and jelly sandwich..

"Why are you all so depressed all of a sudden?" Marceline asked, mouth full.
"It's nothing you need to worry about, Marce.." Roswell said softly. She squinted at him before eating another bite.

After lunch, we all headed to our original class, anxiety in our stomachs, beginning to collect in our throats.

Marceline noticed this and tried to lighten our moods.
"Alright guys! Aren't you excited to see the President??!" She smiled, grateful. No one said anything..

We reached our class and sat down in our assigned seats.
The bell had rang, Joe was staring at her desk. She was shaking..
Roswell had a straight face, it was blank, no emotion slipped through.

I had goosebumps, cold sweat rained down my face, my throat was dryer than a desert.

The room was silent, every student was smiling with joy; except us.

We could hear the loud echo her boots made. It would get louder and louder each step Donna Adamson took.

Joe startled me when she suddenly raised her hand.
"C-Can I be excused???" She said quickly.
"Are you sooooo excited your anxiety is acting up?" the teacher questioned.
"Yes!!!" Joe said a little too fast. He nodded and let her leave.

The doorknob jiggled and opened. In stepped a beautiful woman, who had a terrifying grimace on her face.

"Hello students." Donna sneer with a cold tone. "I am President Adamson, a pleasure to meet you all." While saying those words, she stared her dark, depressing eyes straight at me.

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