Quat phun suong - Quat hoi nuoc - quat phun suong

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Misting fans create a 'chill zone' in your community about the fan. This air can be up to 40° cooler compared to current air temperature. These fans make use of a straight-forward technology called evaporative cooling (like holding a we towel before an electrical fan), but makes more beneficial and useful. These large misting fans have pumps that can cause water pressure forceful enough to push water through fine nozzle holes. This generates a good mist that evaporates almost as soon because it hits the warm air and sun. These drops water pull heat with him or her, inducing the air temperature close to the fan to drop noticeably. There are several applications for misting fans.

[http://s-mart.vn/quat-phun-suong.html Quat phun suong]

Many outdoor sports are played during the hot summer and early the autumn months. Summer sports leagues of the end up being especially careful with heat stress on their young athletes. College and professional football teams are proponents of big, portable misting fans. You are able to end up watching a lot of them to the sidelines of both teams with players crowded around them. These teams do not want to have players remaining the game from heat exhaustion. The temperature in the game in most of such games could be over 100 degrees. Landing on the sideline thinks as hot just like you are on this line of business playing. In case you have misting fans that will drop the temperature by 40 degrees, the danger of heat force on the squad is lessened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2014 ⏰

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