The First Gift to The Bride

Start from the beginning

Devasena: Sulochana! Ask Rajamata tp sit, I will be there in a moment.

She said and dismissed her. She did as she was told. God save her. If this is how married or to be married women behave, she was not going to marry anytime soon or never at all! Naayak can go and show his feeling elsewhere!

Devasena: Shall we Maharaja?

She asked indicating the door to the suite living. Amarendra scowled at her for putting him in the spot. Nevertheless he followed her. There sat his mother looking into some of the accessories that she brought along with her. She looked up at them and for a second her eyes went wide. Then there was a teasing glint there. Oh man! He was so dead.

Sivagami(frowning): Baahu?

He knew his mother more well to be intimidated by her frown.

Amarendra: Amma..

Devasena: Rajamata!

She bowed her head. Sivagami looked over Devasena's head at Amarendra who was looking adoringly at his bride. She cleared her throat to get his attention. And there goes fumbling again.

Amarendra: Amma! I came to tell about you coming to visit her.

Sivagami: How helpful of you Baahu. But do you know that I never planned to visit her till a moment before I sent my maid with the news. I wonder how so soon you came to know about my arrival and you came to prepare your bride for meeting her mother in law.

She said so loud that Amarendra cringed. Darn him. Why was he making such a lame excuse? No idea. But the reason for all this distraction was standing there and trying hard to stifle her giggle. He glared at her promising retribution which went over her head as she turned her teasing gaze to him. Oh man! did she realize how beautiful she was? The way her eyes lit in naughtiness and the way her face took the glow of the glint in her eyes.. Oh my! She will be death of him one day.

Sivagami: Baahu! If you have warned her about my arrival, now that I have arrived, will you kindly vacate the place and go to your suite? People are waiting for you to be present for the ritual.

Amarendra: Ritual?

Sivagami felt like banging her head. What was she going to do with this boy who is also a decorated king who did not have an idea about his own marriage rituals!

Sivagami: Yes! Ritual! Your tilak. Do you realize that you are getting married in 6 days?

Amarendra bit his cheeks in. Oh man. Today was his Tilak and their Shagun. He wanted to smack himself for forgetting the work for which he came. He was actually here to give the first Shagun gift for his bride.

Amarendra: I will leave now.

He stuttered.

Sivagami: Please do that. There people will be wondering where you went not being present in your own wedding rituals!

Amarendra was about to rush out then he stopped at the doorway and stood shifting from one foot to other looking at his mother and then at Devasena.

Sivagami sighed. What has happened to her son.

Sivagami: Amma Devasena.. I will be in your chamber making things ready. Kindly do come as soon as possible before other women come.

Sivagami gave a pointed look to her son and went about minding her business. Amarendra rushed to Devasena who was ready to blast him for her putting her on the spot with his mother.

Devasena: What an act of shamefulness Maharaja. You give a nice example to your people.

Amarendra: Oh yes! I will take that as a compliment.

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