Finn Wolfnard

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Some people' agreed for part 2 so....why not?

   After you saw the interview, you wanted to tell Finn that you felt the same way

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After you saw the interview, you wanted to tell Finn that you felt the same way....but you were too scared. You are really bad with with words, especially when you are nervous.....

You texted Finn and told him how you feel...

(Text messages, Bold is you. Normal is Finn)

Y/N: Hey Finn🤗
Finn🐸: Hey....have you seen the interview?
Y/N: Yeah...
Finn🐸: It's fine I know you dislike me and you think of me as a best friend....
Y/N: A best friend that I have feelings for?
Finn🐸: Wait What?!?!
Y/N: I like you to Finn....

He didn't text back, questions were filling up your brain. A few minutes later your door bust open and you see a happy Finn in the doorway.

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