What is this? Oh, yeah.

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A/N: Well, not really any truthfulness to this, its just something i made up.... make of it what you will...(: hope you enjoy!

What is this? Oh, yeah.....

I ask:

What is this thing you place in my hands?

Oh, yeah. The heart you tore out of my chest and tred upon.

What is this thing that lay dying in my arms?

Oh, yeah. The soul you ripped from my body and broke.

What is this thing you throw on the ground at my feet?

Oh, yeah. The dignity you stole from me and ran through the shredder.

You ask:

What is this thing you return to me?

Oh, yeah. The millions of breaths I wasted on you.

What is this thing you hand to me under supervision of cops?

Oh, yeah. The divorce finally came through.

We ask:

Why did 'you and I' become 'we' in the first place?

Oh, yeah. Passion was long mistaken for love.

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