"Mmhm" Mumbled Michael.

"id like to tell you a little secret" said Richard.

"Huh?" whispered Micahel.

"i guess well, 'i'm, bisexual" Richard said quickly.

As Michael blushed he replies "haha you too huh?"

They both blushed as he pated my head.

He blushes even more and adds a giggle.

He moved his hand down the side of my face and onto my chest. 

He went moved closer for a kiss, we frenched.

I pushed him away and tried to say something but all that came out were murmers. He giggle and started to french kiss me again with one of his free hands he started to corres my penis.

I couldn't help it I had gotten hardon,  allthough I wasn't going to let him have all the fun, I slowly started to move my hands down toward  his pants I unbuttend each button one by one and I slipped my hand inside pants and pulled on his already hard cock.

He stoped kissing me only to remove mine and his clothes, he didn't give me much of a chance to talk before he once again kissed me again.

We were both rock hard and he fliped me over leaned on my back and said "are you ready?"

Am i ever" Replied Michael in a very sexy tone

he put his HUGE! cock in my tight anus i strted panting the pain the plesure UGH!!! it felt so good i couldn't hold out any longer i came my prostate grinching around his penis he wasn't anywere near done he thrusted with more energy going deeper and faster

i screamed in plesure 

somehow i got another hardon.,

Ahh the sensations riveting through my body he leant forward his warm chest touching my back he then softley bit down on the top of my left ear and bit down my neck untill our lips touched forming yet another kiss.

We held out kiss for a moment i didn't want to stop i love him i wish i could just be held by him forever.



its lunch time and i haven't seen him yet today were are you richard i ask myself just that moment he came around the corner looked at me sighed and walked away i acted on instincts and ran over too him huged him and asked what was wrong he gove me a sturn look and said

"we can't be friends anymore"

'what why, a tear runing down my face

"somehow i accidentley put your underpants on and when i went over to danielle's place she noticed your name on them she accused me of having sex with you i couldn't deny it now she is makeing me choose between you or her

I'm sorry but ive been dateing her for 2 years now, im sorry but i choose her....

a tear ran down his cheeck but please move on don't dawdle on this fling we had it was just a fling nothing else i don't love you and i never will

im sorry but thats the truth

at this point I was trembeling my eyes overflowing with tears

I ran away arms over my eyes i just wanted to go away, away from evrything i just wanted to die

i scread " I LOVED HIM

why, why is he doing this to me i love him why can't he relies this why can't he accept it


i run, i run all the way home i go straight to my room crying hystericly 

I can't handle this I cant handle this i say to myself for the 1st time in my life i contemplated suicide i thought of the highway a rope or simply stabing my self but i didn't have the will powere to do any of them

i noticed a blade on my study desk i start ranting and mopeing about how i love richard i grabbed the blade and cut my self blood was driping down my wrist and all over my pants

"am i not good enough?, no i'm not IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH!

after a while i settle down and clean up my cut and end up on my bed crying myself to sleep

3 months pass 

school is worser then ever ive isolated myself from most people my heart sinks everytime i see richard i can't really remember the last time i spoke at school im usuallya t the far end of the playground listening to music

the only good thing about the time passing is that my cuts are healed up...


i wake up to someone knocking on my door

"hello, Hello"


Oh i forgor the exchange student from canada arrives today

i get to the door to greet this handsome young man.

he was wearing a singlet and board shorts he had a sixpack and perfect muscles 

lucious shaggy hair the shade of tarnished blonde "Oh God i'm lucky i thought to myself"

"hey i'm jacob im the exchange student from toronto"

Oh, welcome to australia please come inside 

well it looks like im cooking for two tongiht i proclaimed do you have a preference? 

"ehh,what ever you like im not too pikcy when it comes to food"

Oh, ok

after dinner i have a shower and sit down to play my computer followed by jacob i log in and a notification comes up 'anniversery of meeting richard'

i couldn't help it i started crying

jacob noticed me crying and kissed me i was amazed he was a really good kisser it aroused me so much

i guese he picked up on that too for he had allready startyed stroking my semi hard cock it wasn't too long till we were both naked with our rockhard penises hanging out.

He pushed me onto my bed and started to lick me out and after a couple of minutes of eating me out he put his cock in my add while holding onto my cock

UGH deeper faster he penetrated me it felt so good

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