The Monster

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I kept on running until I felt someone grab my shoulder and fling me towards the brick walls surrounding the alley way. He ran straight up to me and picked me up by my neck.

"You little bitch! I was gonna make it quick for you but now that you've eternally pissed me off I'm gonna make it as slow and painful as possible!"

I grabbed a bottle of holy water from my coat pocket and poured it all over him he hissed and let me go. The good thing about holy water is that its like acid to them the bad thing though is that they heal really fast so from the time you've poured the holy water on them you gotta know exactly what your next move is. I took out my stake that I had tucked into my coat. I was ready to charge at him but then I saw the familiar white light coming towards him.

"Its about fuckin time Harold" I said really annoyed.

"What? A ghost can't have some free time too?"

He grabbed the vampire and possessed him making him stand still while I read him all the crimes he's committed.

"Mr. Hevansbee you are responsible for the deaths of 45 women 23 children and 65 men? I'd say there names but I have a felling that you wouldn't remember them."

He growled at me and tried to move, Harry twisted his arm and that seemed to shut him up.

"You have 2 options Mr. Hevansbee first one is that I do some dark magic and send you where all the undead belong. The second option is that I kill you right now and send you straight down to hell. Now how does that sound Matt?"

"You know if your little friend here wasn't holding me down I'd rip out your pretty little neck and drink every last drop of your blood."

Harry immediately cocked the guys head back and started pulling out his limbs.

"Now which do you prefer option one or two?"

He gave me a death glare before answering me.

"Where will you take me if I take option one?"

"Well you'd go to the underworld were you will be greeted by other supernaturals like yourself. Now which one would you prefer?"

"Option one."

"Alright now first off I gotta do a little something here and just to say this is gonna hurt like hell. Harry let him go I can take it from here."

His muscles started relaxing as he fell to the ground Harry stayed right beside me just in case he wanted to make a move on me.

"Okay hold still."

I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes his eye color was a strange mixture of brown and blue. I slowly turned my eye color to look identical to his. I entered in his mind and began to look for the memory of when he was bit since I knew he wasn't a natural born vampire because of the bite marks he had on his left arm that were permanently scared on him. The thing about witch craft is that it is physically impossible to do it without having the S gene and you can only be born with it, if you have a family member with the same gene. Which in my case was my moms mom. I still don't know where I got my necromancer genes from but I'll find out eventually.

Finally I found the memory I was looking for. I grabbed it and made my way back to reality. When I left my trance Matt was cringing and had his hands around his head.

"I told you it would hurt."

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

"I got something that I needed now just stand still while I do my spell alright?"

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