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We take out our cameras and start recording. "Hey guys, today is day two of our trip". It's beautiful out here. Well, we'll see you tomorrow. Bye". We put our cameras away and we turn on our head cameras. We're sailing when we see a fog appear. We sail right through it and can't see anything for five minutes. The fog clears. A rain storm appears. The storm is picking up speed and is getting stronger. Maya took out her camera and hit record. The waves are hitting the front and sides of our ship. Cory hands over the wheel to us. I'm sailing the ship through the storm. We make it through the storm and I see three or four large spiky rocks out in front of us. Rocks a head captain! yelled Riley. I sail us through them. But we hit a rock and we hit it hard. Boom! I check the monitor and it says we're taking on water. We're taking on water! How bad is it? asked mother. It's not so bad. Only one room is flooding, said Katy. We're not out of the storm yet. A really big wave hits our ship and our main mast breaks in half and lands on the deck. Zeus! We just lost our main mast! yelled Smackle. We got two more! "Bring it on!! It's a great day to die!!". Another wave hits the ship. The ship hits the beach. The water and wind is pushing the ship on to the land. The ship is pushed into the dirt and come to a stop. I put my camera away. Me and Riley went to bed. They wake up in the morning and leave the bedroom and look around. The ship is one hundred feet from the beach and the bow's chin is stuck in the mud. They have a meeting. Maya and Riley will be the ones to leave. The Matthews family are to start building a new town here. They were surprised that they were able to get service here. We're leaving the beach and start looking for a town nearby. Me and Riley pull out our cameras and start filming away. We take a rest. I download our video on You-Tube and we start walking down the trail again. We walk for two miles and rest again. We're all walking when we come across a large carving. We're walking up towards it and we stop. The cave entrance is carved into a large Tyrannosaur head. Wow! look at that! That said it at the same time. It's beautiful! Yes. It's also kind of creepy. There's an explosion. Boom! Good thing we're 50 feet from the cave or that would have made our ears ring. We don't hear it. We see a large fire ball fire out of the dino's mouth. We're running towards the cave and stop at the entrance. A lady wearing glasses comes out of the cave. She also has a robotic wooden left foot and black hair. She's wearing a brown shirt and black pants. Hello, there. Everythings alright. I'm just looking for Sun Stones. It's all legal and I got the papers! Oh, hello. Who are you? I'm Riley and I'm Maya. What's you name? The names Victor Crab. (I know that Victor Crab should not be here because the Dinotopia miniseries film is somewhat canon and that this story is set in the main canon universe!). Based on your clothes, you must be new here. Yes. That's great! You'll be the talk of the town. It's not aften that we get new people. Can you help us? Our ship was cought in a rainstorm and in now stuck in the dirt. We need a phone so we call for help. No, I don't have one with me. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you there. You'll need to use a Postal Bird. You use Postal Birds for communacating back and fourth? asked Riley. Yes or a least most do. I mean. Yes we do have phones. But not many have them or use them. Why were you looking for crystals in the cave? asked Riley. Well, most cities in Dinotopia are powered by crystals. I was looking for new ones. We're following Victor. Me and Maya are holding hands as we're walking into town.

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