Under The Willow Tree (sorry, i got the parts mixed up)

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Under the Willow Tree

* Thank you too everyone who reads this. I couldn't have continued on writing without the support of certain fans.

As always, please vote/fan/ or comment after you have read the story. I would love to read your work, after you acknowlege that you have read mine.

Thanx!! Enjoy!! <3 :D*


I crept around the corner, trying to escape the burning of the sun's rays. Why does this happen? It's very unessecary for our survival.

"Willow!! PLease come back inside!" Shouted Valentina from the shed's safety. I smiled. Such a beautiful vampiress. Her long, blonde hair shined in the shadows. Her white fangs glistened with youth. She continued to shout as my transluecent flesh burned as though the sun was wrapped around my body like a petticoat. I screamed and ran towards her. We fell in the doorway. She scrambled to shut the door. I crawled away from the door, into the safety of the shed's darkness. My flesh was knitting together to heal the severe burns that covered the majority of it.

"I am in your debt." I gasped out. Valentina smiled, fangs shining. She placed a hand on my crispy arm. Her cold touch soothed the burn. I sighed, feeling better just from that one touch.

"Your skin is so....hot. I don't like it, but I have the need to touch it. I have never seen burns this serious. They haven't healed yet, very strange. Are you alright?"

"When you place your cold fingers on the burns, I feel much better, but then you remove them. Why did you pull me out of the sunlight? We just met." I sat up, feeling the knitting of my skin. Valentina held my arm in her hand, the knitting increasing in speed.

" I saved you because you're different from us. You and Chris both. You would make a terrific clan leader." She said, her eyes shining. I smiled, placing her arm against mine, forcing the cold to heal burns that covered my body.

"I'm.... thankful. My brother would not have enjoyed that from you, Valentina."


"He is very young, so he does not understand friendships. He tells me to take care of myself. I do not understand his methods, however."

"Valentina!! Come here at once!" A shout came from above us.

"Chris.. Willow, you have to get some rest. Here's some blood. If your burns hurt anymore, drink this, it will help. I have to go, but I'll be back. Bye." She jumped up onto the grate attached to the ceiling, running to Chris' aid. She is so beautiful, and kind. Chris is very lucky to have such a vampiress. What are these feelings? I don't remember having such a fondness towards another vampire. Especially a vampire who is very much unlike me.

"Who are you?" A male vampire asked me, looking me up and down like a artist eyeing his masterpeice.

"I am Willow, Christopher's elder brother. And you?" I said, jumping on the same grate as Valentina.

"I am someone you should fear, Willow. Do not upset me, for I will show no mercy."


"Are those burns?" He asked me, staring at the open wounds on my arms, and face.

"Yes. I went out into the sunlight, by accident. Quite painful if you want my opinon."

"Well, that was foolish, and I dont like fools." He turned and hung head side down on his grate, falling into a deep slumber. I ran to my grate.

"I cannot just sit around here and wait for the sun to go down.....I'm sorry, Valentina."

"Sorry for what?" I jumped from the soft sound of her voice.

"Hello again, Valentina. I am sorry for...... not listening to you."

"You are so funny, Willow. You wanna take a walk with me?"

"Where to? The sun's not down yet."

"I know, just trust me, please Willow. I can't harm someone I care about."

"Why do you care about me, Valentina? I am a horrible vampire." She took my cold palm in her own, and led me away from my grate.

"Because, you are sweet and kind. i could not compare you to Christopher."

"Compare me? Why would you have to compare me to him?"

"He's madly in love with me, apparently." She rolled her eyes.

"He does not act like he is in love with you. I'm afraid."

"I know, right? He seems so....preoccupied?"

Under the Willow treeWhere stories live. Discover now