Chapter 2 .... The new pasta

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Reader p.o.v.

Once we get inside I see the others gathered around the door. Everyone was whispering to one another about me. I could feel it, and I could hear them. Wow how rude can these things be. Then again, I'm one of them now. Slender then goes on the explain who I am and what I'm doing here, etc. once he was done everyone left and toby walked me to my room. I set my stuff down on the bed and he leaves me to be. I look around the room and sigh. I remember reading about them but I never thought them to be real, more or less for me to become one.

I lay down to take a nap until I hear a knock. Standing up, I open it to see sally. She smiles up at me "wanna play?! I'm having a tea party with Mr. Death and jack!" I giggle softly "which jack?" she hugs her bear "ej" I nod "ok. I'll play" I walk with her to her room to find eyeless jack in some fancy men's clothes. I smile. Hehe, he looks really nice. I'm surprised he doesn't have his mask on. Sally hands me a dress "uhm... thanks sally but I don't like dresses" she pouts "please?!?!" I hear jack sigh "if you don't see will throw a fit" I nod and take it going to my room to change. What did I get myself into? I sigh as I walk back. The dress was black and in went to the floor. It came off my shoulders a bit, showing the top of my breasts and some of my cleavage. Just as I walk about half way I find myself pinned to the wall by Jeff. I glare at him "what do you want Jeff?" he smirks "hmm... well I think I'd like to have you~" I try to get out of his grip until...

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V.

I walk out to see what was taking her so long. Why do girls take forever? When I walk out I see Jeffery pinning her to the wall and she is trying to get away. I growl and walk over to him. I grab his shoulder and punch him. I grab her hand and walk back to sally's room while he's still down. Once we get there we both sit "sorry bout Jeffery. He's an ass" she nods "I know he is. I hate him the most." The most?! Oh fuck. Please don't hate me. She smiles at me. Wait! She smiled at me! Fuck. fuck. Fuck. fuck! "thanks for helping me jack" I just nod "we have to help out our fellow pastas" wow I sounded so stupid "ew! Get a room you two!" we both look at sally and I notice (y/n) was blushing... like I was. She sighs and holds up her cup "may I have some tea miss sally?" I smile at how she acted

Time skippeh to after tea party~~~

Reader's P.O.V

I sigh as I go back to my room and change out of this dress. I put on a (f/c) t-shirt and some blue jeans. After I'm done I walk down to the living room and look around. I see toby walk up to me "hey! Want some waffles?!" I smile and giggle at his childish behavior and nod, following him to the kitchen as we sit down and eat some waffles. After we finish I decide to go to bed.

Your dream

You look around a dark room. As you get up from a red velvet couch you looks around more. Everything was black but the couch. You see a white door appear in front of you. You walk and open it. Looking around outside the room you see a long hall with nothing on it but white. As you start down the hall you see a figure at the end. He was too far and too dark to tell what her looked like or what he was wearing.

Curious you walk to him until he seemed to just appear in front of you. He was about 6-7 feet tall and he had black hair that reached the middle of his back. This man wore a large black coat that went to the floor (it being closed and buttoned up on his torso) along with black pants and black shoes. He also had a black skull like mask on that covered his whole face.

You just stare at him, frozen in fear until he grabs your throat "let this be a warning to you... leave the mansion and never come back or bad things with happen to you and the others you care for" you hear him say in a deep raspy voice. After he says this he stabs you with a katana.

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