Well, he does have a point.

Beatrice weighed the pros and cons in her head. She analysed the situation to the best of her ability, and pictured all the possible outcomes. To her, this was genius. She was hugely enlarging her victim pool this way. With both men and women's blood to drink, she would never go to sleep thirsty ever again.

Actually...that sounds great.

"So, are you saying that I don't have to love another girl to get her blood?" Beatrice asked.

"Of course!" John replied, "I've gotten blood from other guys before, and I didn't even have to kiss 'em."

"So I don't have to do anything intimate with a girl, as long as I lure her?"


That was when it dawned on Beatrice - she didn't have a clue about picking up girls, nor did she know where to find them. It wasn't as if she could just walk into a pub, grab a girl by the hand and expect her to be attracted to her; she had to go to a place where only lesbians hung out.

Beatrice remained unsure, "But I don't know how to hit on a girl."

"Where are you?"

"The Black Hog."

"I'll be straight there."


Beatrice waited for ten minutes until John arrived. He was out of his vampire attire, and wearing a white shirt, a red bow tie, black trousers and black dress shoes. On his head was his blood-red larger-than-life bowler hat that always got people's attention. It was his trademark at this point.

John took Beatrice's hand as a mean of comfort. He began to lead her away from the pub.

Beatrice became confused. She looked to John for an explanation.

"Oh, right...I haven't told you yet." He realised, clearing his throat, as they walked down the London streets, "Bea...I'm taking you to a gay bar."

Beatrice let go of him with disgust, "Uh no way! I said I'm not a homosexual! What would my dad and granddad think?!"

John grabbed her and pulled her back, "Well, it's the only way you're gonna get girls to feed off of!"

"I don't care! I would rather starve for an entire month!" Beatrice declared, "I'm not going into a gay club even if you threaten to kill me."

At this point, the two had already arrived at the gay club. It was a surprisingly boring-looking building, which blended in with the rest down the road. Beatrice had no idea that this was where all the gay people hung out in London. John greeted the bouncer, and ushered her in before she could leave.

As the two entered the disco-room, Beatrice couldn't believe her eyes. Strobe lights flashed before her, and the biggest hits of the week pounded into her eardrums. She had just opened up a whole other world. She slipped on her sunglasses.

John grinned in achievement, as he watched her prance onto the dance floor as soon as her favourite song came on. He couldn't stop laughing at her doing ballroom moves on the dance floor.

Ten minutes of intense jamming later, Beatrice felt someone nudge her. She quickly turned, and was about to tell them to back off, but was stopped by a beautiful woman gracing her presence.

It were as if she had frozen in time, as she scanned the woman's entire body - up from her voluminous, brunette locks that reached just below her pert bust, all the way down to her knee-high, black, lace up boots, paired with a mid-thigh length, long sleeved black, sparkly dress with accentuated shoulder pads.

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