Koneko and Issei were walking in front of me while I was slightly behind them waiting to strike

Koneko: Alright we're here

Issei: Lets keep this quiet for now so they don't see us coming

You: Agreed, lets go Koneko

Koneko: Right

We snuck in and hid behind the curtains waiting to see if anyone was there, after awhile Koneko and I stood up

Issei: What are you two doing?!?

You: They know we're here

We got out from behind the curtains and were met by four of Risers evil pieces, one of them which you remember

You: Hey staff girl, how's it going, improved any since last time?

Mira: Hey I have a name, it's Mira and I have improved just so I could get back at you

You: I'd like to see you try, the name is Y/N by the way

Nel: I'm Nel, I'm a pawn

Ile: I'm Ile and I'm also a pawn

Koneko: Issei, Y/N take care of those pawns, the rook is mine

You: Be careful Koneko

Koneko: You don't have to worry about me

Mira: Y/N's mine you two can have Issei

Nel: Fun

Mira charged at you with at swung at you with her staff, however you easily blocked it and then grabbed it and broke it in half

Mira: *gasps* You broke it

You: That's not all I'm about to do

You punched her right in the gut and she fell unconscious, you looked around and saw that Issei was dogging Nel and Ile's chainsaws barely, at the same time Koneko dogged at kick that almost tore her shirt in half

You: You two doing alright?

Issei: Fine here, now fly apart, dress break

You watched as Issei snapped his fingers and both their clothes tore off of them, the just crouched there covering up their chest

Koneko: Such a pervert

You then saw Koneko pin the rook down and the knock her out with a punch to the back of the head

You: Koneko, you're done with that rook already?

Koneko: Yeah

You: Well that was boring, I would have thought these four would put up more of a fight than this

Issei: Rias, we're all set, the gym is under our control, and the girls *giggling* I made their clothes come off

Rias: Good work, now you three need to get out of their, Akeno is in position

Issei: Right, come on guys lets go

After we exited the gym, a bolt of lighting came down from the sky and blew up the entire gym

Grayfia: One of Lord Risers rooks, and three of his pawns, retired

You: That was a bit much huh Akeno

Akeno: I'm just doing what Rias told me to do, I did enjoy it though *giggles*

Issei:*whispering* She's into S&M

You: Good to know, alright lets get moving

As we started walking, Koneko was suddenly struck by a purple blast, which sent her flying, you couldn't believe what you were seeing, after she landed back on the ground you ran up to her, you didn't even notice that her clothes were almost completely gone, but Issei did

You: Koneko!!! Koneko, are you alright, hang in there we'll get you to Asia quickly

Koneko: Y/N, I....I just wanted...to serve...Rias welll, Ahhhh

You watched her disappear in your arms, you looked around to see who did this, when you found who it was, you stared at them with hate in your eyes, if you remembered correctly her name was Yubelluna, Riser queen

You: You!! How dare you do that to Koneko

Yunelluna: Ohh, someone didn't like me taking out his girlfriend

You: You'll pay for this

You went Super Saiyan 2 and started to rush at her until Akeno got in your way

You: Get out of my way Akeno

Akeno: Only if you let me fight her first, besides I've been wanting to fight her for awhile now

You: Fine, you have five minutes, Issei, go meet up with Kiba, I sense he just finished off his opponents

Issei: Right

You looked back and noticed they had already started fight, so you just hovered there waiting for five minutes, that's when Akeno blasted Yubelluna to the ground panting

You: She seems like she is having fun, wait what is that queen of Risers doing? She's taking out a vile...what is in that vile

Suddenly the ground shook and you looked over at the field and saw huge swords forming out of the ground which took out the remaining pieces Riser had except one bishop and his queen

               POV change Issei

Issei: Kiba! Unleash your sacred gear with all the power you've got

Kiba: You got it Issei, SWORD BIRTH!

Right as Kibas swords were about hit I used my sacred gear to transfer more power to his, in an instant the field was engulfed by swords which took out Risers remaining pieces except for his bishop and his queen

Grayfia: Lady Rias's queen retired

Issei: What

I looked over just as Akeno had finished vanishing

Grayfia: One of Lady Rias's knights retired

                    POV change You

You: That's it

You flew at Yubelluna with rage in your eyes, right as she was about to strike Issei down, you appeared in front of it and deflected it

Yubelluna: What!?! How did you...

You: Issei, go to Riser's base and help Rias

Issei: You got it, be careful

You: You to

Issei started to run off to help Rias, Yubelluna tried to stop him but you punched her to the ground

You: Your fight is with me

Yubelluna: Fine, have it your way

She flew towards you and tried to sap you with electricity, but you fired a ki blast at her which forced her to move aside, while she was vulnerable, you punched her right in the gut, then did a backflip and kicked her right in the skull sending her flying into the ground, you flew down and started walking to her when she pulled out another vile

Yubelluna: Hehehe, you're going to regret that

She started to open the vile and was about to drink out of it until you shot it with a ki blast which destroyed it

You: I don't know what's in that, but if it allowed you to beat Akeno, I don't want you taking another one

Yubelluna: How dare you, you'll pay for that!

You: Please you don't scare me, you can barely move, don't worry this next attack will finish it

Before you could even start the attack, she vanished and you had no idea where she was, that's when it hit you, she was heading towards Riser and the others

You: Damnit, Issei, Asia, Rias, hold on a little longer I'm on my way

You ran in the direction if Riser home base, not wanting to find anything wrong when you arrived

Chapter 8 end

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