Chapter 2: The Mission

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Catboy's P.O.V.

We went into action and.... "Romeo!!What are you doing??" I asked mad as heck. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the PJ Masks. Why who is this?" He asked hopping down off his lab. We all stood up and we all had confused faces on us. "What are you talking about, Romeo?" Owlette asked. He started walking over to her. "Why you! You look so beautiful." he said. Me and Gekko looked at each other. Our eyes where so big. "Do u have a boyfriend?" He asked. I could tell that she was sad from being asked that question. "No....No I don't. We broke up today." She said on the verge of crying. "That's cool." He said. "Get away from her NOW." I yelled. I ran in between Romeo and Owlette. Romeo just looked at me. "Why should I leave her alone she beautiful!" He said. "Because he said so!" Gekko said. He started backing up. I moved out of the way from being in front of my Owl... where did that come from. I turned my attention towards Romeo. "If I can't have her then no one can." he said. with that he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Owlette. "Don't you dare Romeo!!" I said. But it was too late he fired the gun, sending Owlette backwards. I rushed to her side while Gekko fought Romeo. Owlette was out cold. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. "Owlette? Owlette? OWLETTE?" I asked but I didn't get a reply. I looked over to see Gekko punching the living crap out of Romeo. I looked down back to Owlette and realize there was blood coming from her side I lifted up her hoodie to where I could see the wound. The wound was gross. It's was a big burn with blood running out of it. Gekko was done with Romeo and came running over to us. "We need to get her back to HQ NOW!!" He said. I picked her up bridal style and i carried her to my car. I gave her to Gekko so he could hold her while I drove. I took off towards HQ. In my mind i have so many questions running through it. A few minutes later we arrived at HQ. Gekko rushed inside with me behind him. We went to the emergency room area. He laid her down on the bed and got to work. Turns out she had a burn on her left side and left side forearm. She also had a bruised rib. But other than that she fine. Gekko put her on a different bed and put a oxygen mask on her. We left her alone so she can get some sleep. But I didn't want to leave her side. I stayed there for a few minutes. I finally kissed her on the check and was about to leave when I heard some say my name. "Catboy?" She asked. I ran back to the bed. "Owlette!!!" I said so happy. I gave her a hug and she hugged back. "Ow!" She said and I quickly stop hugging her. "Sorry!" I said. " It's not u its just my side is killing me. Why is it hurting?" She asked. "We went on a mission. We were getting ready to fight Romeo when he started flirting with you. We told him to leave you alone but he wouldn't listen then he started to back up and before we knew it he pulled out some kind of gun and pointed it at you. Before I could save you he had already pulled the trigger and it shot. I rushed to ur side while Gekko fought Romeo. I'm so sorry Owlette!!" I said. "Its OK Catboy. You cant always save me." She said with a smile. I smiled back. "Thanks Owlette. By the way, we need to change ur bandages anyway. You have a bad wound/burn on your side along with 3 bruised ribs and a burned forearm. Lets get those changed." I walked over and grabbed some brand new wraps. "Ok if it starts hurting let me know and I will stop. Ok?" I said. She nodded. I started unwrapping her forearm. It didn't look so bad.  I put a brand new bandage on it. I put her arm down gently. I quickly began to work on her side burn. As I started unwrapping it I could blood, but it didn't look to bad. I looked at Owlette and she was just smiling. I started to wrap her wound up ,but the tighter it got I could tell that she was starting to be in pain. "Do you need me to stop for a minute?" I asked her. "No, I'm sorry it just hurts." she said. I finished wrapping, when Gekko walked in through the door. "Owlette!! Your awake!" he said running over to the bed hugging her. "Hey Gekko!" she said. "Are you feeling OK?" He asked. "Yes I'm fine. I'm getting sleepy." She said with a smile. "OK well get some rest. While you get some rest me and Catboy will look for Romeo." He said and walked out the door saying good night. I laughed. I turned back to Owlette. I could tell her eyes were getting heavy. We made eye contact. She sat up straight and looked at me. I started to lean down towards and we got closer and closer until I could feel her lips touch mine, I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck. We were like for what felt like forever. We stopped and looked at each other. She started smiling. Finally I laid her back down gently and she slowly started to fall asleep. Once she was asleep, I kissed her one last time and left. In my mind I'm thinking wow what a day.

So what do u think?? Sorry so short ran out of ideas half way through the thing sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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