3: The other woman

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Wa'alaikumus salam. Anytime, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I read my reply again "Too thirsty" I muttered before deleting the whole thing.

Wa'alaikumus salam. You're welcome.

I grinned and pressed send secretly wishing he'd say something else. And when he didn't, I went back to my reading. I was again interrupted by an incoming call from Mufida.

"My pie" was the first thing she said.

"I'm fine thanks for asking" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Hidaya I'm coming to get my pie right now if you haven't made it you better start" I laughed "Dama I'm bored, I'm waiting for you" Mufida arrived an hour later and we both went downstairs to the kitchen where my pie was beautifully seated on a pie stand.

"Oolala!Yes" she rubbed her palms together and dashed towards the kitchen island.

"Don't touch it" I ordered as I got a cake server and three plates and walked to the island. I cut out three slices, one bigger than the rest. After learning my lesson with the other maid earlier Florence showed me how to ring her from the kitchen which I did. I gave her a plate of pie before Mufida and I went back up with ours in hand.

"Hidaya, who's eating the rest of the pie?" Mufida asked as she slumped down on the chair and dug into her pie.

"There are other people in this house Mufida" I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my own pie.

"But its mine" she pursed her lips.

"Dream on" Before I could close my eyes and open them, her plate was empty. I could see her eyeing mine as I raised the fork to my mouth. We heard a low salam and both turned our heads to the door that just opened. Khalils head popped in, I could see the sudden change in his facial expression when his eyes landed on Mufida. They greeted while he walked towards us looking jaw dropping in a grey suit unbuttoned to show his black silk shirt. He stood in front of me facing Mufida with his hands dug into his pockets. Just looking at him made my stomach do numerous flips, I was always a lover of corporately dressed men. Elijah Michaelson usually quenched my thirst.

While ogling my husband I couldn't miss the look on Mufidas face, she looked more surprised than I was when I saw Khalil for the first time. My head shot back when Khalil turned to look at me and I quickly shook my head in embarrassment and lowered my gaze.

"I came to ask you to get ready so we'll go and greet Hajiya but since you're occupied we'll go tomorrow"

"No" Mufida blurted "I was just leaving" she awkwardly stood up and quickly grabbed her bag.
"See you later sis" she giggled and made for the door.

"Let me see you off"

"Oh, no no no need" she winked at me before leaving, I couldn't help but giggle at her cheesiness. A few seconds after she left, I got a text message from her.

Your husband has an accent!!!

I shook my head and turned my attention to my husband.

"I have to change, I'll meet you out in a few minutes" I turned my now straight face to Khalil "Out where?" he asked as he landed on the three sitter with hands spread out. I felt my cheeks burning, to avoid any embarrassment I turned and headed to the closet.

"Hmm, what to wear" With one arm folded I stroked my chin. My eyes caught a peach lace, I didn't really care about the style as far as it was peach. I quickly changed and took a veil that matched the red pearls on my blouse, walking back out to my room I found Khalil still seated in the living area focused on the TV. I sat on the vanity stool facing the mirror, dabbed a little powder on my face, lined my eyes and applied lip gloss. I looked at my reflection and smiled feeling content with how simple I looked all that was left was my head tie, before taking off my cap I looked at Khalil through the mirror and once I was sure his attention wasn't on me I pulled the cap off letting my hair fall back. It was one of my distinctive features, it was what I loved the most about myself, it was what my mother loved most about me; she loved to braid my hair, even when I cried and tried to get away she would pin me down and as much as I hated to admit it then, it was comforting. I would do anything to feel her soft hands on my scalp just one more time.

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