Down in Flames

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    We turned silent.

    "There's Ravenclaw's lost diadem." Luna muttered.

    "What the bloody hell is that?" Weasley asked. This guy's dumber than an orange. Haha, Orange.

    "The lost diadem of Ravenclaw?" Luna asked again. "Hasn't anyone heard of it? It's quite famous." I patted her shoulder.

    "Yes, but Luna, it's lost. For centuries now. There isn't a person alive who's seen it." Cho answered. The rest of us lowered our heads, including me.

    "Excuse me, can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?" Weasley asked. I groaned and face palmed myself. He has the brains of a red panda.

    "It's a sort of crown, you know, like a tiara." Cho answered. A door opened, revealing a girl with very familiar hair.

    "Harry?" The girl asked.

    "Hi there." He introduced himself. His girlfriend.

    Weasley muttered something under his breath and Finnegan said something I couldn't quite here. I couldn't here anything, in fact, my head felt like it was underwater. "Charlie?" Luna looked at me. I gasped as I tightened my grip on Luna's arm, before witnessing another vision.

    I sighed. "I'm fine."

    "You're eyes grew red, Charlie. I don't know everything, but I'm pretty sure other people's irises don't turn red." Cho replied.

    "I'm fine." I lied.

    "What is it Ginny?" Someone asked.

    "Snape knows that you're here." Ginny answered.


    "It has come to my attention, that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." Snape announced. Murmurs had quickly filled the air.

    "Now," Snape continued, the murmurs stopped, "Should anyone-student or staff- aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished, in a matter inconsistent with the severity of their transgression furthermore. Any person found to have knowledge of these events- who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally gifted."

    Everyone was silent.

    "Now then, if anyone here, has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step forward." Snape walked ever so slowly while looking at the rows of heads facing down. "Now."

    Everyone was at a loss for words. It was too quiet. So quiet that it gave you that sickening feeling like during bedtime, when the monster from under the bed would come up any second and gobble you right up, for the monster believed that you had fallen asleep.

    Potter stepped forward.

    Everyone gasped, instantly turning their heads. Including me.

    "It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategy, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." Potter announced, the doors opening to Hermione, Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and a few others I couldn't recognize. Wittle Hawwy Potter thinks he's so tough and brave, standing up to Snape.

    "How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night." Potter ordered Snape, not one eye off Potter. "Tell them how you looked him in the eye-a man that trusted you- and killed him. Tell them!" Snape's face was somehow frozen. He raised his wand, before McGonagall defended him and flew spells at him.

Riddle Me ThisOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora