Part 14

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I have no words to describe BTS' comeback.

~At the girls' dorm~

Jang-Mi's POV

"So let me get this straight." I tried to understand. Everyone groans in frustration. "If Pinocchio says my nose will now grow... it doesn't grow, but it does?"

"It's a paradox Jang-Mi! There is no answer." Gee buried her head in Jackson's shoulder.

"You're supposed to be smart and realize that on your own." Jackson laughed and I pouted.

"I'm sorry Mr. Know-It-All." It was my turn to laugh and his to pout. "So when are y'all gonna get it on?"

"MIA! YOU'RE LIKE 5!" Jinyoung playfully hits my arm and laughs.

"Y-yeah! W-we're too young..." Jackson blushes and hangs his head.

"Y-yah! Stop it's embarrassing."

"Ye they only just started liking each other." Nani joins in.

"Well what about you and Jinyoung?"

"Jinyoung OPPA" He corrects me.

"I'm down if Jinyoung is down."

"What?" Jinyoung's face flashed horror. The room trailed with 'whats.'

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" She laughed.

"You can never see this side of her with other people around." Gee laughed.

"Hey Jang-Mi..." I stopped laughing and turn towards the door. Our eyes widen when we see Bambam, Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Mark walk in.

"Oh..." everyone takes a moment to process what was happening.

"OH!" Everyone jumps and pulls them in. Then we laugh.

"It took us a moment." I laugh.

"Yeah it did." Bambam rolls his eyes, teasingly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jackson ditched Gee and bear hugs Mark.

"Um..." we heard a squeak and see a girl.

"OMG A RA I AM NOT TRYING TO TAKE MARK." Jackson backs off and hugs a pouting Gee.

"Oh?" A Ra raises an eyebrow at Gee. "Is she replacing Mark?"

"Ye." Jackson kisses her cheek.

"Wait you're replacing me?" Mark pouts.

"Well now you have A Ra and I have Gee." Mark pouts again and goes to leave. "Wait Markipooh~" Jackson follows him out of the dorm room.

The room falls into an awkward silence, each starting at the door.

"What the freak just happened?" Yugyeom says breaking the silence.

"Well that happened." A Ra laughs and walks to sit next to me. "You're Jang-Mi right?" I nodded and held my hand to shake.

"Yes ma'am." She hugged me.

"That makes me feel old. I'm only a year older." I laugh.

"Not to be rude, but why is everyone here?" Nani makes eye contact with everyone.

"We heard about Jaebum..." they turn towards me and I look at my hands.

"What about it?" I said harshly, a little to harshly.

"I apologize for bringing up a hard topic Noona." Bambam hugs me. "But we need to know your side..."

"Why?" I look at Bambam.

"Because Jaebum, Jae Eun, and You all have different sides of the story."

"They have the same side?"

"No, they actually said opposite things, but in order to find out what happened... we need your opinion." Youngjae sighs. "We also searched online to see what heart broken girls like to do." I looked at him, confused.

Yugyeom pulled out some ice cream, chocolate, and Shrek 3.

"You brought the bad Shrek." I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Oh shoot." Yugyeom fumbles the items and they land with a light thud. "Guys we failed... the article said to abort mission if everything fails." He tried to whisper and it didn't work out.

"Well you don't have to abort the mission, because I'm not going to go crazy." I lightly laughed.

"You aren't? I thought you'd be..."

"Yeah I am pretty sad and really disappointed, but Jaebum chose Jae Eun. I can't win him back, so I've got to accept that." I painfully smiled.

"You're a strong girl." A Ra opens the ice cream. "This deserves a treat. Then we can go have a girls night out!" A Ra took a spoon and shoved ice cream in my mouth.

"What about us?" Jackson and Mark walk back in.

"Nice of you to join us." Everyone noticed how they smelled. "What happened?"

"Well I was running out of the dorm.. then I tripped and fell on a garbage can." Mark rubbed the back of his head.

"I fell afterwards and tore the bag open."

"What was in it?" Yugyeom questioned.

"Some disgusting milk." Mark gagged and everyone laughed.

"You guys get changed and we can all have a girl's night!" Nani smirked.

"Yeah!!" Gee catches on and laughs.

"It'll be fun!" A Ra jumped, pulling me up with her.

"I don't like this enthusiasm..." Mark starts to back away.

"It's to help me get my mind off of Jaebum..." he stops moving. "Please?" The boys groan.


"Now go home and shower! Then come back!" We shoved the boys out of the room.

~they're back~

"Guys!" I screamed from the inside of the dorm and they come running in.

"WhaAHHHHHH" everyone, but Bambam and Youngjae, topple over and land on melted ice cream.

"I dropped my ice cream!" I cried and they freaked out.

"Abort ABORT!" Yugyeom goes to stand up and I cry louder.

"No! Please don't leave!" He sighs.

"We can't go out like this!"

"It's ok, just go shower and I'll wash your clothes!"

"There are 6 of us." Jinyoung states.

"We've got two bathrooms. 3 each."

"WHAAAT?!?" They panicked and I laughed.

"Two of you can shower here and A Ra might let you shower at her place." I laugh cutely.

"Fine." Jackson and Jinyoung went to our showers. Mark and Yugyeom went to A Ra's dorm.

"What about us?" Youngjae pouts.

"Yeah!" Bambam sighs.

"Oh just You wait.." i smirked. Nani and Gee closed and locked the door.

"It's a girl's night out... GIRLS" I pulled dresses from the closet. "This is going to be fun!" The horrified boys tried to run, but couldn't.

"Let's have fun!" We cheered.

Caramel Macchiato || {Im Jaebum x OC}  || (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now