"Ice packs," Niall repeated. He nodded and shakily headed out, leaving me to get Liam onto his back. It was like handling a hunk of meat straight of the oven, as strange as that sounds. I didn't even want to know what the thermometer would say right now. There was no time to waste fiddling with the thing anyway, it was fairly obvious Liam had a fever without it.

While I was alone I tried one last time to shake him awake. The end result was much the same as it had been before, he just laid there.

Harry and Niall came back with the ice packs and a bowl of water, and Harry had the phone tucked between his shoulder and his ear as he answered the questions from the person on the other end of the line in a flustered voice. He kept moving his head around as if they could see him.

Feeling lost, I lamely put an icepack on Liam's chest. I wished I could be more confident in what I was doing but I wasn't a doctor and the only thing I had to go off was logic. Liam was too hot, and ice was cold. That made sense.
Niall plucked the icepack off of Liam and moved it to rest under his right arm. I quirked a brow at him questioningly.
"I watch greys anatomy sometimes, " he stuttered in response.
I wasn't able to crack a smile liked usually would, instead simply gesturing wildly to the the pile of icepacks beginning to soak through the sheets, "take it away then, Dr."

When Liam's eyes opened I had to blink a few times before believing it. It felt like he'd been asleep for a life time, imagining him conscious felt kind of surreal. It was the best case scenario, I honestly hadn't thought he'd wake before the ambulance got to us.
I paused what I was doing, my hand lingering just to the right of his face. I'd been mopping at his forehead and cheeks with a cold cloth hoping that it would have some effect and although it was probably more the work of the icepack I was grateful to see his eyes open. They were glossy and unfocused for a few moments and I knew he must've been confused. I sure as hell would be if I was him.
He slurred out what I could only guess was something of a 'what?' And began struggling on his arms to push himself up. They shook and buckled like mad before I pressed his thumping chest back down. I could literally feel his heart racing. "Don't move Li, relax. We're taking care of it." The last bit came out breathy as I sighed through the words. I was just so relieved.
He groaned and shifted, causing an icepack to slip out of place. Liam's eyes appeared to close again as he peered over his chest to see what we were doing.
"Why didn't you tell me you felt this sick?" Niall asked quietly before shaking his head in instantaneous regret, "never mind. Don't worry about it now. Forget I said anything."
Liam blinked slowly and licked his lips. He looked up at me in confusion, silently asking for an explanation.

"You wouldn't wake up Li, you have a fever and it was just too much for you. We've rung for an ambulance, they'll be here really soon. We're all just a little shook up. You must be cooling off a little, since you're up now, so just try to relax while we wait for the medics."

Liam's mouth opened and closed a couple of times before his lips pursed and he decided to just not say anything. Honestly, it looked like he was about to fall asleep again.

I went back to dabbing his face with the cloth while we waited for someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing to hurry up and get there. At the rate we were going Liam was going to melt into a puddle long before they got there.

"Oh, that's a great idea Haz... Get it going," I nodded as Harry dragged the fan into the room. He shot me a short smile and glanced at Liam before plugging it in and setting it to its highest setting. Liam pushed forward again weakly against my hand. I looked back at him from Harry just in time to see his head turn to the side and lock into place as he vomited up last nights dinner. It was over too quickly for to even think about finding something to catch a potential second round, he hadn't eaten much and throwing up knocked him out again entirely. Eyes shut and muscles tense he was back to being asleep.

Two paramedics came in through the front door and Niall directed them to the bedroom five minutes later. They apologised for being late, explained about the traffic as if that made everything better. I would've caused more of a scene if I hadn't known their time was better spent helping Liam fight off that fever. I needed to see him standing and smiling soon or I'd really start getting scared.

"It looks like you guys were doing an alright job in here without us," the lady with the greying pony tail smiles as she effortlessly slides a needle into Liam's skin. Her partner, a younger man with a beard, nods in agreement, "there's not a lot left for us to do but figure out what caused this. He's running hot, 40 degrees, and that's with all the icepacks. I hate to think what it was before. The temperature seems to be decreasing slowly but I'd still like to take him in."

"Oh definitely," the lady nodded, "it could spike again and I doubt you lads want a rerun of this any time soon?"

I'm shaking my head before she even finishes and so are Niall and Harry, we must look like a bunch of weirdos.

They lack up their gear and then Liam too, somehow getting him down to the ambulance all on their own. We did offer to help, we're not that rude, but they assured us they had it and by the looks of it they did. We were told to meet them there and as strange as it felt leaving Liam in the hands of strangers we rushed to the car and sped to the hospital, making sure that there was the least time possible where he was on his own.

Although Liam was still asleep when we found him the fever had continued to drop and it was even safe enough for him to be in a normal room rather than the emergency part. Turns out throwing up was the best thing he could've done, seeing that he was having a bad reaction to something in the fancy headache pills he'd taken yesterday morning, afternoon, and night. Three doses of the stuff was almost enough to cook him from the inside out.

It seemed silly that a few little pills could cause such a hassle but when Liam kept apologising over it the rest of us assured him that it wasn't, and that we were just glad that he was okay. He felt bad for scaring us and even though we all said were okay, that we'd had it under wraps, I knew that it'd be fear instilled in us for life. Knowing that one morning someone you care about simply might just not wait up is terrifying and now I've seen that it actually could become a reality I'm almost afraid to go to sleep at all.
That night Liam stayed in the hospital and we all napped on chairs around the room, despite his protests. It was dark and silent until Niall spoke up, "is anyone awake?"
Harry grunted.
"Yeah," I murmured.
Unsurprisingly there was nothing from Liam. He'd had a long day.

"What if he doesn't wake up in the morning? What if one of you don't wake up? What if I don't wake up?"

I paused for s moment to collect the words I want to say, "if one of us doesn't wake Ni, there's always going to be three more of us to make sure we get there in the end."

It went silent again and this time it lasts until the sunlight begins creeping in through the curtains.

Enjoy? Another one that's a bit different, and for some reason also a bit difficult to write. The request didn't come with a specific lad to write about so I did Liam, because i haven't for while. I hope that's okay with you:)
The next request is for: CSI_Miami

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