One mistake has ruined everything!!!

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In life be mindful what you toss away, be careful what you push away, and think hard before walking away and be careful what you say. Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him. But things can't be perfect all the time that I know, sometimes we just have to let some things goI hide my tears when I say your name but the pain in my heart still the same thought I smile and seem carefree there is no one who miss you more than me “

Can’t Let You go from my mind?

After 8 months of breakup....!

I gave him a message in Face book


That message was by me.

I wrote....


How are you Fahad

Hope you are ok....

When I gave him message

I thought he won’t reply me

When he messaged me back


My first expression after

reading that.....was




The boy whom i never

want 2 remember. Whom I use to ignore so much  .

Whom I gave all the hurt ...Has

replied my message....!


Whole past get splashed

inside my mind,

The time....We had spent

together.....i remember all

Those things.

The time......when he said


janu I will always love you

I will never going to leave you


I just started

remembering that..... :'(

and suddenly i go pass by

his  profile......, but at that time

He has deleted me from his Facebook


There i saw......

His status.....

It was written that.

he loves another girl "

with....Name of her .....:'(


And i saw his whole profile.....

It was seemed like.... he loved

that girl very much....



But i wanted to tell him.......

That how much i love him...... :'(

but it’s too late to tell

Him that I love him...:'(



My eyes were full of tears

Then I replied  him





Fahad, Be happy with 

that girl whoever you love



With smiling and a smiley....face ..


And give him a wish...For

his new relation...I didn’t

know what to do at that time when I saw

that just a tear has dropped from my eyes



But i tried to forget him I can’t  ...then I said to myself that ......I should

escape from his life......

As i don’t want.....that our

past splashes his new relation,


I simply said......

Wow, thanks for replying my message and  I said I am very happy

with my new bf......

Although i know,

i should not spoke that lie.....


But today also his

happiness......Is my first

preference :'(

from my heart I said that .

janu (Darling)I still love you I HOPE I CAN TELL YOU THAT HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU BUT I CAN’T IF I DID PEOPLE WOULD START WITH  Their COMMENTS AND EVERYTHING AND IT WOULD MAKE YOU MORE UPSET WHICH I DON’T WANT, hope all the best for your future, I will be always there for you

my heart still beats 4 u

Thumbs up for this true feelings :(

By: Kathrina

One mistake has ruined everything!!!Where stories live. Discover now