A Problem and a Solution

Start from the beginning

"Since when do you talk to Melody?" She retorted as she turned her head to glare at him.

"Who's Melody?" Harry asked confused.

"The daughter of Ariel," Uma answered, "The reason I was on the Isle."

Still confused Harry said, "I don't know a Melody."

Uma looked at him, "You were just talking to her, how do you not know her?"

"Oh," Harry said as he smiled, "Her! I never caught her name. We were just talking about how much we hated math and how terrible the teacher was."

Uma raised her eyebrow not believing him for a moment. She was about to say something when they reached the infirmary and Jake said, "You guys have to wait out here. Only a few can go into the office at a time."

"And why does it have to be you that goes in with her?" Harry glared at Jake.

"Because I'm her guard, I'm not supposed to leave her side," He answered simply as he opened the door and waited for Uma to get inside.

"I'm her best friend, I'm not going to leave her like this," Harry countered as he stepped towards Jake. Manny took a step forward towards Harry.

Uma noticing the growing tension between the two said, "This is not the time for your little feud. Harry wait out here with the crew. We'll be back."

Harry not at all happy with the demand grit his teeth but did as he was told. Uma walked in and the nurse ran straight to her demanding what happened as she pulled her to the closest seat and made her sit. While explaining the nurse grabbed her equipment and began to clean the wound.

"Luckily, you didn't lose that much blood, but you will be needing stitches," the nurse said.

"Stitches?" Uma asked.

"Yes," the nurse said as she proceeded to explain what stitches were and how they worked. They didn't have such a thing as stitches on the Isle. You either wrapped the cut really really tight and hoped it healed that way, or you died. Needless to say, there was a lot of deaths on the Isle. Another reason why she wanted to help people get off of it. As Uma watched the procedure she couldn't help but feel angry with the fact that they didn't have things like this on the Isle. That they were made to suffer and die while the people of Auradon get such luxuries as advanced medical care.

The longer Uma was in the office the madder she got. "Can I go now?" She asked impatiently and Jake looked at her in question. He knew Uma was mad, but he didn't think she was this mad. He felt the tension in the room increase, while of course the nurse didn't notice anything.

"You just need to fill these papers and you can go," the nurse said as she handed Uma's the papers. Uma filled them out grabbed the painkiller she was prescribed and stormed out of the room.

Seeing her crew looking at her with worried expressions, she calmed down enough to say, "I'm fine. Everything's good. I'll see you all tomorrow."

With that she turned and walked away. Hearing footsteps behind her she turned and saw Harry and Desiree and of course Jake following her. She sighed and turned to Desiree first, "Don't worry Desiree. I'm not mad. I'm fine, everything's alright. It wasn't your fault, it was mine."

Desiree continued to look at her and feel bad but she nodded. "Go to your dorm and I'll talk to you in the morning."

She nodded again and left.

Uma turned to Harry next and said, "I'll deal with you in the morning." She turned from him and started her journey to her dorm.

"Why are you mad at me?" Harry asked, utterly confused.

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