You walk around the woods and walk to the mountain. You trip over a vine and fall in a hole when you walked in the mountain. You felt what was practically or death but instead of your life ending it began.

You find yourself on top of a few roses which broke your fall. Hugh Grant in pain seen a little bit of blood coming from your back knowing that some of the Thorns have cut you. You look around all you see is Darkness. But through the darkness you see a little bit of light showing a doorway leading to the ruins.

"W-what is this place?" You say confused.

You get up and walk to the doorway that you see through the darkness. As you're walking through the ruins you see a rose but you wondered 'why was it by itself instead of what the flowers that broke your fall'. You see the Rose had a face on it thinking 'why does it have a face' you walk to the Rose slowly and carefully.

"H-hello?" You said through the Darkness but the rose turns around and frightened you.

"H-Hey there i-im Rosie, Rosie the Rose" The Rose said with shy confidence.

"Y-you must have fallen, from up there the surface, you might not know what goes on around here do you I guess little 'ol me will have to do won't it."

You're still in shock thinking of the flowers talking to you but you stay calm and reply slowly.

"I....I guess so, Rosie"

Hey guys I Know this is Weird but to me it's silly I decided to make this FanFiction for the fun of it okay 😁 I hope you enjoyed the first 2 chapters

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