Shock and Suspence

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My pov

Feeling the hand catch my waist, I stared in shock at the man who had taken hold of me, ready to struggle should I need to.

Stupid girl, Alex, you shouldnt have gone out this early! Its like a recipe to get mugged! I thought to myself.

But then, he took hold of my hand, and asked a question, though, not knowing who the stranger was, and berating myself for being here alone, I didnt hear.

"Oh, sorry... I didnt catch that. But anyway, I didnt know anyone was up here, I should probably go"

He chuckled, a sound so lovely and real.

"You dont have to leave."

He smiled at me again, his perfectly white teeth beaming at me.

"And I asked if I could cut in, I was enjoying your dancing, but thought youd like to try with a partner, maybe. Would you mind?"

I stared at him curiously. Why was he asking to dance with me?

Not that I was unattractive or anything, but I just didnt think anyone would ever notice me anymore.

But what the hell? If I pass this up, Rosh will never forgive me.

"Sure, but.. I should warn you, ive never been very good with a partner."

He chuckled.

"Then maybe youve not met the right partner. Try dancing with me, first. I'll give you my opinion after."

While we waited for the song to start, standing alone in Covent Garden, he just stared at me. Not around, or above my head- which wouldnt have been hard for him, as at 5"9 I was shorter than him, even in the small heels I wore to dance in.

His stare was beginning to make me nervous. Id only ever danced with one other man, my tutor.

Who, in all fairness, through all his efforts, still hadnt managed to partner me with another dancer.

Hearing the opening of the song, I recognised one of my favourites.

'The Prayer' by Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion.

As the first bars started, my body froze, arms locking.

I couldnt remember how to move my legs at all. Eyes widening, I tried to move my body, to no avail.

Suddenly, I felt fingers lifting my chin so his eyes could meet mine.

"Hey, relax darling. I wont harm you, all im asking for is a dance."

And then he smiled again, his bright blue eyes continued to stare directly into mine. Slowly, my body seemed to relax under it, my arms softened, and my mind cleared.

And then, we were moving.

He was leading, which surprised me, I was used to taking the lead, not used to having someone take charge.

But he did so gracefully, and soon enough, my legs and feet seemed to move as if on their own, as I matched his movements, following him with easy grace and timing.

As the chorus started, I danced without thinking, all that mattered was he and I, in the middle of a deserted park, moving as one.

My mind did, as it always did, reverted to singing, and as I sang the soft italian lyrics, from the song so close to my heart, gave me the hope amd joy I had been longing for.

'La luce che tu hai,

I pray we'll find your light

Nel cuore resterá

And hold it in our hearts

A ricordarci che

When stars go out each night

Eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera

Let this be our prayer

Quanta fede see'e

When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place

Guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe.'

The song was going to bring tears to my eyes, soon. It was a lovely song, one that my grandmother had sung to me to help me sleep at night. Up until she died, I thought I had my life sorted, and ordered, and I thought I knew where I was going.

Now, I wasn't so sure. I was lost, I couldn't sleep at night. I couldn't find my place in life.

I missed her. And I didn't know whether it was the loss of my favourite person in the entire world, my rock, my solid, unmoving, unchanging, loving mother figure, or whether I was just in that space in my life where nothing was happening.

Something had to change.

But as i moved in this strange man's arms, I found myself dreaming again, my life fitting back into place.

And it was scary.

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