chapter 2. friends?

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You arrived at your house with mystery. You show him around the place and he likes your home. You start chatting about random stuff like animals. Soon he gets hungry and he wants to eat. You dont have enough money to go buy dinner so you make him something instead. " thanks for the food ( reader ) ". You said " no problem ". So you start chatting some more. Mystery starts to like you... you get tired and want to rest. You let him stay . " im tired mystery. Im going to lay down amd watch some tv. " you said. Mystery said " oh ok. Im just going to hang around. ". As soon as you fell alseep, he had a plan. He was going to turn the ac up so it would be more cold, than he was going to lay with you to the make you  feel comofrtable. He turned the ac up. It was cold and he layed next to you. You hugged him and than mystery blushed a lot. He liked you.. but then when he way getting up to get a blanket, the phone ringed and you woke up. Mystery jumped off the couch and got very suprised and shocked. You laughed a little bit when you saw him on the floor. You picked up the phone and answerd it. It was your boss at work. He said for you to come to work now. You agreed and said " sorry mystery but i need to go to work.. " . Mystery got dissapointed and said " oh ok.. ". You got dressed and went to to work. Mystery followed her when she went to work.

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