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The plane landed and me and Bella got off the plane, but as soon as we did Bella tripped. I caught her and said
"What would you do without me?"
"Probably be more ingured than I would have if you weren't here hehe!" Was Bella's responses and I just smirked in reply. We went to get our bags then to look for Charlie.
"I hope Charlie didn't bring the police cruiser" I heard Bella murmur. I giggled and then smirked when I saw Charlie. I nudged Bella and pointed to her dad and she faced palmed and muttered "Oh my god, does he not own another car" at that I busted out laughing. When we got to Charlie he awkwardly hugged Bella and asked her how she was and she said she was fine then he turned to me and said "Hi Harley you look good haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?"
"I've been good, keeping Bella here alive cause I know she wouldn't survive without me there to catch her. Hahaha"
"Hey I'm right here and I would totally survive without you!! How do you think I made it that far before you came!?" Said an angry Bella but me and Charlie just laughed and we all got in the car. The ride there was horrible. It was incredibly awkward and Bella was being rude by giving one word answers so instead of listening to there painful conversation I just put my headphones in and listened to music. When we got there me and Charlie went to the trunk and got all the luggage out and then we all including Bella took the bags to our rooms. I got to my room and I immediately loved it, Charlie came in and asked if I liked it and I said no I love it and gave him a hug thanking him and when I pulled back he was blushing and said your welcome while scratching the back of his head. He left awkwardly and I laughed. Bella came in and said while pouting
"Wow your room looks better than mine"
I just laughed and smirked while saying
"Yah I kinda sent him some ideas on what I like and what he should do to my room hehe." After we finished talking we heard an engine as someone pulled up. We looked at eachother and went downstairs and out the front door to see 2 Native American people talking to Charlie. One looked about Charlie's age and the other looked a couple years younger than Bella. Charlie heard us coming and turned to us saying
"Hey girls, Bella you remember Billy Black and his son Jacob right?"
"Hey, yah, I remember you, your looking good Billy"
"Yah im still dancing, glad your finally here Bella, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming"
"Keep exaggerating and I'll role you in the mud" Charlie said
"Not before I ram you in the ankle" and with that they were playing in the streets like kids. We laughed and Jacob came over to us and Bella said while chuckling
"Are they always like this"
"Yah it gets worse with old age" Jacob said amused at there parents. He looks at us and blushes when he sees me and introduces himself
"Hey I'm Jacob, but you could call me Jake if you want, we used to make mud pies together....Well Bella and I did (turning to me) we have never actually met...So what's your name?"
"Yah I remember that I think" Bella replied
"Yah we never met, Bella's mom Renee took me in when she found me on the streets a couple of years ago but anyway my name is Harley, it's nice to meet you Jake I hope we can be good friends" I told him and he blushed when I talked to him
"Yah I hope we can" Charlie and Billy vane back and Charlie patted the truck looking at Bella and said
"What do you think Bella" Bella looked confused and asked "What?"
"Your welcome home present" he said while pointing at the truck
"What are you serious"
"Yup" Bella freaked and said it's perfect while I chucked at her reaction and looked at Charlie saying "Where's mine?"
"You already have a car and it's coming in sometime tomorrow" Charlie said and I squealed loudly say in a sing song voice
"My baby is coming, my baby is coming" everyone looked at me like I was crazy
"What don't look at me like that I love that car alot, don't judge me!"
With that said everyone chuckled at me and Bella continued talking to Jacob just as I heard her say
"Well it would've been at least nice to know one person"
"Wow Bella I feel so loved right now" I said sarcastically and Bella looked at me apologeticly and I just waved her off and said
"I'll get you back for it later haha" and we all laughed at that. Then Billy said that they has to go so Jacob helped Billy in Charlie's car and they left. Me and Bella went inside and got something to eat then we went upstairs and got ready for bed and I took a blood bag out of my mini fridge and drank it quickly cause I hadn't realised that I was that hungry till I took it out after I was done I put it in the trash and then Bella came in and said that she didn't want to sleep alone tonight so I let her sleep with me. We got in bed and fell asleep instantly while cuddling each other

-Harley wore the skull and Bella wore Batman

-Harley wore the skull and Bella wore Batman

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Harleys Bed

Harleys Makeup Table

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Harleys Makeup Table

Harleys Makeup Table

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Harleys Work Desk

Harleys Work Desk

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